Friday, June 07, 2024

Marriage Literally Made Tisha Campbell Sick?

Four years ago actress Tisha Campbell divorced actor Duane Martin after 24 years of marriage and two children together [click here if you missed that].

In a candid new interview Tisha admits her chronic illness has been in remission since her divorce...

In an episode of The Mibo Show podcast, focusing on the inflammatory lung disease Sarcoidosis, Tisha tells host, Shanti Das, that she has not gotten sick since she got divorced.



No Chiraq said...

Duane ain't sick no mo either

Anonymous said...

I can believe it. Majority of men on this planet will cause a woman's health to decline. This is why I took a vow of celibacy, I realized I am happy being by myself, without some trifling, parasitic, lying, abusive male incubus driving me to catch a case, of him killing me when, I kick his trifling self to the curb, life is too short. Patriarchy has ruined the male species, it's long past the time to throw in the towel. I am so much more happier and peaceful.

Anonymous said...

Millions of American men have felt better after going overseas. Must be something in the air!🛩️

Anonymous said...

Sarcoidosis killed Bernie Mac.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:15 PM… the matriarchy has ruined the black male species, got all these softies out here & son husbands living with mommy… so I guess we call it even. We gotta start holding accountability though, you are who you attract.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:26 PM… I know what killed Mac… never gonna tell it though.

Anonymous said...

24 yrs of marriage Snitch. Not 10 years. 1996-2020

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM
You are not who you attract, you attract the lessons you need to learn. Matriarchal oder didn't ruin a damn thing, patriarchy did, men were created to protect and serve, women to rule, they overrhrew Matriarchal oder to rule, and look at the planet, who is waging all wars? Got the cartels, gangs, human trafficking, destruction of the planet and her resources? Men this is why 70% of them will be removed from the planet, they are by far the most destructive species here. At war with themselves and every damn thing in between. You can have someone kind, empathetic and loving, who attracts a lying, deceitful parasite, that's not in them, they attract that lesson to learn, discernment, boundaries and detachment. When you hear a woman can't jeep a man, what she cannot keep, is keep putting up with his f*ckery, and for the passport bro, you are only going overseas, to inflict the same torment on women, you did here. Now that women here have wised up, and thrown in the towel.

Anonymous said...

speak on it Tisha, this is a very real phenomenon. And being Single can be the BEST cure, lolol.


Lynny said...

So true 12:33 never seen a truer comment !!

Anonymous said...

Watch your environment and who you attract. Blk love is real to many of us. Sorry to those who have too many issues and bags to join and carry them together .

Anonymous said...

I had chronic UTI's and bacterial vaginosis throughout my 20's. Doctors couldn't figure out why. As soon as I got divorced I had nota one. Ol' dirt dique kneegrow!

Anonymous said...

Of course she was sick. The constant stress of carrying a family on your back, you will be stressed and anxious. Long term exposure to stress and anxiety will cause illness. Many autoimmune diseases are linked to long term stress/anxiety.

Toxic people will ruin your health.

Anonymous said...

Love Tisha, I hope she is living in her best days. I dont know why I always wanted her and Martin to be a real couple.

Anonymous said...

She was stressed because the ninja was GHEY!

LOLOL said...

Stress cause a variety of problems. Including Shingles. You don't want to catch that one.
Was the problem besides alleged Grayyy rumors, was he working on a regular or was he cheating on her? I really didn't keep up with her marriage.

Anonymous said...

Those gay rumors can cause a woman to be stressed. Men always talking the hierarchy of the household and how women should stay in their place while having a man as his side piece bringing diseases home. Please shut up! Cause when you are overpowered and your manhood is snatched by a man nobody is trying to hear you roar around a woman.

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