Thursday, June 20, 2024

Louisiana Public Schools Required to Display the Ten Commandments

Legislation signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry requires the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom...

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law Wednesday.
The GOP-drafted legislation mandates that a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments in a “large, easily readable font” be in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.
Opponents question the law’s constitutionality, warning that lawsuits would be likely to follow. Proponents say that the purpose of the measure is not solely religious but that it has historical significance. In the law’s language, the Ten Commandments are described as “foundational documents of our state and national government.”


Anonymous said...

What happened between separation of Church and State? What if you're Muslim? Jewish? Buddhist and don't adhere to same "commandments"? The Christian wyte nationalists are taking over.

Anonymous said...

At this point these politician bozos are just making up stuff to do. Why is this necessary? They don’t even follow the Ten Commandments.

R in NYC said...

They are doing too much

Anonymous said...

Neil DeGrasse made a whole YouTube video addressing Terrance Howard. I know I'm late but I remember Terrance being posted

Anonymous said...

This is what they've wanted all along and they (Republicans) used Trump to get it. While POTUS, Trump filled the courts with hundreds of conservative federal judges. Not all were conservatives, but most of them were.

Trump will need the Evangelical support to win in 2024. He will need to choose a hard-core RELIGIOUS conservative like Pence or Ben Carson or the Evangelicals won't come out to vote. They have been clear as water on this.

The Evangelicals don't care if his corrupt chi'ren work in the West Wing, they don't care if he spends his days grabbing-the-pizza, they don't care if he rubs shoulders with Putin and Kim Jong Un, they don’t care if Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are Trumps's advisors. All they care about are the courts being filled with conservatives. Mufukas know exactly what they're doing.

Vote Blue or you can expect more of this.

Anonymous said...

*Trump will need the Evangelical support to win in 2024. He will need to choose a hard-core RELIGIOUS conservative like Pence or Ben Carson to be on his ticket as Vice President.

Anonymous said...

The 10 Commandments go beyond religion, they're a moral code that everyone should follow. No one should steal, commit adultery, etc. It's not that deep.

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

Those of you who are sleep and want vote are letting folks walk into these political positions. It's your fault. Now go learn the Lords Prayer. That will be next.

Anonymous said...

Post it!! 10 laws of how to behave like a human? Post it. While you're at it, post the 42 laws of Ma'at. Far more accurate and better details. Also, Ma'at's laws come from a positive perspective not the negative point of view that the 10 commandments have.

Anonymous said...

I’m happy about this news and wish people understand the first laws to follow ARE GOD LAWS … that’s why kids are wild now .. as soon as they took GOD and prayer a foundational thing in the history of SCHOOL WORLD WIDE things went awry. I’m encouraged of this news … Louisiana cares about their children and understand that rule under GOD is necessary for ALL LIVES

Anonymous said...

Supposed to be a separation of church and state. They are doin too much

Anonymous said...

This is an offense to people of all religions. I don't want Sharia laws posted or the Talmud or my children being told to follow anyone's commandments or beliefs. I hate to tell you overly literal Christians but this is not a Christian nation where everyone worships the same beliefs in the same way. This country was designed to make room for everybody's ideologies with no special emphasis on anybody. I am appalled.

Anonymous said...

the country is crumbling and folks getting lost in the sauce... bring back ethics and morals, no matter how you do it. The country was Founded by Christians.

Anonymous said...

Where is the post of jews wanting to take away our first amendment? What happened to separation of church and state?

R in NYC said...

Naw this country was founded by racist fools who enslaved us.

Anonymous said...

The Commandments go beyond religion but they are first and foremost Christian directives and you cannot separate them from the Christian doctrine.

Anonymous said...

Heathens be heathening.

Anonymous said...

Admit wrongdoing for enslaving Afrikans and pay reparations to their descendants.

Anonymous said...

Everybody's not Xtian.

Anonymous said...

That's a waste of taxpayer funds.

Anonymous said...

Well at least they are not having strip teases
In the classrooms
Better in this direction for a second
Then the direction things seem to be going

Anonymous said...

I’m with it! God’s word is the yesterday, today and tomorrow. HIS word is the one I trust!

LOLOL said...

Oh, here we go again with the highly moral Bible Thumpers with they $0.02 on a gossip site, gossiping. LOLO

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a republican thing to do. Smh

Anonymous said...

@2:52 Which god? You Christians only have one but some of the kids sitting in the classroom have many.

Anonymous said...

Christians Are NOT Under the Law(10 Commandments). We Have A NEW Covenant With JAH.

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