Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lakers Head Coach Embroiled in N-Word Drama

This week the Los Angeles Lakers announced their new head coach, former Duke basketball standout JJ Redick [click here if you missed that].

Not long after Halleemah Nash came forward accusing Redick of calling her the n-word...


Anonymous said...

He did that s**t. People ask why she’s coming out saying this now…it’s no secret he’s said racist crap about Black people, Asians, etc…but some people ignore it over those who speak up.

Anonymous said...

What a world, indeed. Good on her for exposing him. Will probably be another fLaker team.

R in NYC said...

Doubt he loses the job tho'.

mil262 said...

If you didn't take care of it when it happened damn near fifteen years ago why complain now in 2024? It doesn't change anything

Anonymous said...

@8:32 AM Racism doesn't go away.

LOLOL said...

You have an ex-president that's winning in the polls, that has the same reputation. Who's winning?

Anonymous said...

Yeah he did that! He looks like he wanted to call SAS the N word a few times! I believe this woman.

Anonymous said...

I believe her. Using the N word in public to a Black person is like breathing to these types. They act like they literally need it to stay alive. He gave me fake, phony, fraudster in his speeches. May they lose every game his racist behind coaches.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I’m glad she called him out and made everyone aware of his past. He’ll either deny it and keep his job, ignore and keep his job, or he’ll apologize and recognize his poor choices in college, and still keep his job. Things happen in our past that we aren’t proud of now. Only problem is if he still has the same problem recently or currently.

Anonymous said...

Here’s hoping the next person that says it knocks his front teeth out!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm , interesting , someone makes an accusation and people blindly believe it without any proof.

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