Monday, June 10, 2024

Kenya Moore Sets Off RHOA Season 16?

Over the weekend wild rumors started flying about the Real Housewives of Atlanta taping of the grand opening of Kenya Moore's Hair Spa.

Apparently Kenya set it off with new housewife Brit Eady... 

According to multiple reports Kenya shared intimate photos of Brit at the grand opening and accused her of being an escort.

Brit seemingly confirmed the rumors after sharing a post on Instagram stories about revenge corn laws in Georgia.

Kenya flat out denied the claims and insisted she would be vindicated.

...and then audio of the alleged incident leaked online. 

...but also the alleged context. 


R in NYC said...

Revenge 🌽😆😆😆😆😆😆

Jessie said...

Kenya is vile

Anonymous said...

So what this woman did porn or webcam stuff? What does any of that have to do with Kenya? Unless Kenya's hiring Brit to watch Brooklyn, Kenya has nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting!! But she treated that man she married with kid gloves.

Kenya maybe pretty on the outside but inside she’s UGLY as hell!

Anonymous said...

I usually root for Kenya
But this time I don't
That Brittney girl look a lot like a younger
Version of Kenya
And I think Kenya is jealous
And it seems like the Brittney girl
Is messing with a lot of the industry men
So whether the young lady is slutting for
The men or not
They are still lusting for that Brittney girl
Instead of Kenya
And Kenya is making her own self
Look miserable and insecure
Kenya think she is doing something
But she is actually helping the girl out
By Kenya leaking the pics and tape
She is helping Brittney get more clients and free Advertisement

Anonymous said...

There's a few words for a woman who cares about what another woman does with her kat: JEALOUS.

Anonymous said...

Braaaaavo! For the pumped up drama plus Trashy is back but not in Simons backyard. Kenya said she better tap back in before she get the Kandi special.

Anonymous said...

You all believing this sh-t wasn't dreamed up by a producer? Kenya is just the vessel Bravo is using to drag you back into another season of lowlife shenanigans. Manufactured stories, manufactured drama designed to sell products and keep you out of real life. We can do better.

LOLOL said...

Kenya was not getting a Peach this year and begged to be back on the show. This is how she got back on.
I don't know why Bri thought Kenya was going to welcome her with open arms. Hasn't she watched the show?

Anonymous said...

What Kenya did with that revenge corn is illegal she will be in trouble

TheBarberLady said...

Revenge corn? Drop down three lines and they quote "Revenge Porn". Which one is the trigger? Snitch is really embracing the stupidity

I actually am scared of corn and I feel offended that it made its way into this story about revenge PORN. I tried with corn. I really did but it attacks my stomach every time I eat it. Then has the nerve to be clearly visible in poop...I mean froo oop...sorry. I need my corn fears to be respected and appreciated. Going forward I'd feel less triggered if we never had to acknowledge that demon vegetable YORN or the resulting froo oop. Feel feel to screen-grab and post the actual word and the related emojis or pics because that is different...somehow, but I know at least Snitch understands. By the way, can we stop calling you Snitch? Isn't there a better way to spell it so we can escape all negativity around that word. Snitches have gotten some good people killed. Snitching is frowned upon by my community and for you to just call yourself a snitch makes me feel like the police are gonna come in here and kill us. Very cavalier and inconsiderate of you Thitch. I knew a Thitch once. They were not good folk and I was traumatized, I'm gonna go with Thitch. I love that for you. It does not reflect anything about your brand and is therefore comforting because...words are the enemy and should never inspire any feelings and we all know that! Words bad. Encouraging illiteracy is the power we need, Flatch. Thanks for being so considerate and continuing to write like you're on acid.

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