Friday, June 14, 2024

Kenya Moore Loses Her Peach?

Last weekend Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member, Kenya Moore, was accused of sharing intimate photos of new cast member, Brit Eady, during the filming of the grand opening of Kenya Moore's Hair Spa [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders claim Kenya's stunt cost more than she bargained for...

According to Straight from the A, who broke the news about the spa incident, Kenya has been suspended indefinitely after Bravo conducted an investigation. 

ATLien also claims RHOA cast members have been banned from speaking to Kenya. 


Anonymous said...

If Kenya did that she should be sued as well. I hope this is not true, but if it is, that's vile, low, and disgusting. That's something Diddy would do , not another Black woman. If she is silly enough to have done that during this Cassie era of justice fir victims of sexual exploitation, then she deserves to be fired, sued, with possible
Charges. I pray Kenya was not that foolish and hurt another woman in such a trashy way. I will reserve judgment until I find out. Keep Porsha on standby to drag her across the floor again if need be. Lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You all get your info from Kenya's number one stalker, ATLien, who allegedly smells like a seafood platter lol! This chick hates anyone that looks better than her. She was obsessed with Claudia Jordan too. She fell out with Kandi and Faketra. Now because ugly edgeless chicks with wide noses don't like Kenya she's credible? Lmbo!

If this is true hang this show up. I'm so glad to see these urban reality shows collapse. Ghetto reality tv should have never lasted so many years!

LOLOL said...

I don't know if this is true or not. Kenya, I believe will pull stunt, to stay on the show. I do see this as a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

10 : 09, this is 10:06, I hope it's not true. I really like Kenya and want her to win, and I just don't see her doing this, but if she did she may be in a lot of trouble. Time will tell. If she and the new girl plotted this together for a fake storyline to get numbers up, then that's sick and I won't watch that mess. Some things you don't play with , especially in this era. If some outlets are lying on Kenya, then she needs to sue them for slander and defamation of character because those are serious allegations. After Diddy, noone wants to hear of anyone being victimized again. I just don't think Kenya did it because it wasn't necessary. Hope it's all lies. I can't stand reality t.v. because it's so fake.

Anonymous said...

The story lines on these shows are always pre-approved. Ain't no spontaneity. Anything that happens occurs with the aid of the producers.

Anonymous said...

She look like she got some good peach 🍑 for a geriatric!

Anonymous said...

She def got fired, I got that info yesterday afternoon from some ppl on that production. She too old to be playing like that.

You’d like to know said...

Why would she do something so stupid? There are laws against stuff like this (Revenge P0rn). What's wrong with her? Self sabotoge at it's finest.

That said - when is NENE coming back???

R in NYC said...

Kenya should know better by now and I believe she did do it to be the protagonist on the show. If you can fake a real relationship, and an arranged marriage to keep your peach, you can also do this low down and dirty mess.
I stopped watching this train wreck a long time ago. I got tired of all the he said, she said, cat fighting and fake storylines. It just kept feeding into the stereotypes of angry, bitter black women who can't uplift each other.

Anonymous said...

Can't feel bad for a female with a female child that would stoop so low, she has shown herself time and time again to be a vile, jealous, and vindictive person. May the punishment fit the crime.

Anonymous said...

If so, I will be able to watch the show again! But she is wrong if she did that foul ish

Anonymous said...

Unpopular opinion but although she's photogenic Kenya's face is hard and she's not all that pretty to me. Remove all the makeup and fake lashes and it's a different face. Plus that line across that big chin won't age well. She gonna look like one of them wicked witches from them old fairly tales.

Anonymous said...

5:09 A pretty face can't disguise the evil within.

Anonymous said...

@5:09 I totally agree, her and the tired colored contacts, she's getting plenty of fillers, her Tijuana bad made bbl, bad skin and absolute horrific personality. The fact that many blk females advocate for her is laughable, she doesn't show any positive characteristics. I believe so many blks are just infatuated cause she's a brown girl with long hair

Anonymous said...

@5:09 Agree!

Anonymous said...

She must really hate herself to pick women apart the way that she does.

Anonymous said...

KM is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Kenya a miserable evil bird 🦅

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