Monday, June 24, 2024

Kendrick Lamar Pop Out Sets Streaming Record

Last week Kendrick Lamar's culture shifting concert, "The Pop Out: Ken and Friends," streamed live on Amazon Music's Twitch channel [click here if you missed that].

The Pop Out set a record for most minutes watched...


Anonymous said...

I know Diddy happy the heat is off him for a while. He can thank Kendrick

Anonymous said...

Neck to neck with black on black crime.
Negativity brings us so close!

Anonymous said...

Nit really. People are waiting for new updates patiently. There’s more to come. Everyone affiliated with Didfy should be more happy than him. Diddy has blackmail info on a lot of Hollywood’s most respected. It’s just a matter of time which is why they are quiet as church mouses.

Anonymous said...

Squeak. Squeak

Anonymous said...

7 :21 They all pile up on Drake, whose Black dad is from Memphis , but they have no smoke for drill and mumble rappers Chicago, and no smoke for the powers that run the world, who are the most violent, but hey let's pile up on the mixed dude from nickelodeon who has a Black dad. Bwahaha They know who and who not to pile up on.

Anonymous said...

Ken vs. the Industry. Ken is really going to lead to shaking things up. The industry has gotten too far ahead. Time for a change. Bet they won't be making anymore 500 million dollar deals.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was the Karaoke sing-a-long, but I also liked when the dancers came out. They didn't show a lot of tatas and cheeks, but they danced llke the ancestors were the back up band. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

They just unalive each other. Full of jealousy.

Anonymous said...

The ancestors???
What do any of those negroes know about that? Not a d@mn thing! They know how to destroy and kill. That’s all! They kill each other over property that does not belong to them. Please stop trying to make this a positive thing because it wasn’t. Y’all united in the name of tearing down a person not uplifting.

Anonymous said...

Great concert

Anonymous said...

What do they know? Too much of your nonsense to unpack but I'll give you this... This country was founded by people who killed each other over property that didn't belong to them and Kendrick Lamar was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Music. That's what he knows. What you got?

Anonymous said...

And I keep telling you this wasn't about tearing down Drake. That was just the icing on the cake and the period after the sentence.

Anonymous said...

Somebody said Kendrick brought Bloods and Crips together.
They kill each other over territory they don’t own. Can’t provide proof of own g nothing but their drawls.
What is that gang motto of one those gangs!
You’re not a Rolling 60’s until you killed a Rolling 60’s!

Great inspiration for kids!

Anonymous said...

And Beyoncé and Jay Z has 50/11 Grammies that were bought. What does that mean? Not a d@mn thing.

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