Saturday, June 08, 2024

Keith Lee Partners with Microsoft

Beloved TikTok food critic, Keith Lee, partners with Microsoft to help struggling restaurants...

@keith_lee125 The Reheat With Microsoft 💕 would you try it ? 💕 #foodcritic #microsoftpartner #TheReheatWithKeithLee @Microsoft ♬ original sound - Keith Lee


Anonymous said...

I will be glad when the social media influence era dies off. Too much attention is given to the Johnny come lately's who haven't built anything but their opinion. People who literally haven't built a thing, don't employ a living soul, are allowed a spotlight to critique those who have. Smack on camera and give your opinion. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate that he's doing something positive that benefits his community. Black businesses are more likely to fail than any others. But I do understand how it's annoying to watch a martial arts guy with no real culinary training or restaurant background become a super popular and now wealthy food critic seemingly overnight. Right place, right time for him so can't be mad at anything except the universe for that.

Anonymous said...

Huge NO. He can't even speak standard American English. His English is broken, and he speaks way too fast. It's very irritating. I also totally agree with 9:01AM. This social media overnight success trend is out of control. It really isn't a trend anymore... real chefs, models, actors, singers,etc. can't get jobs anymore. I'm sick of it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:01. Keith also needs a speech coach. His English is botched and he speaks too fast.

Anonymous said...

* Double post due to temporary ghosting or deletion issues.

Anonymous said...

I like Keith Lee and he doesn't need to change a thing. There's a reason he has a huge audience and it's because he's relatable. Long gone are the days of the a**holes who want to hold their nose in the air and look down on the people who contributed to their greatness. The only people who are offended by Keith are those who are resentful and hate the fact it is him and not them. If you don't like him and think he speaks horribly, then move on and don't watch but for the rest of us, we'll continue to enjoy seeing how he blesses the people around him.

Anonymous said...

8 :20, It is a business model he created for sheep like you who fall for virtue signaling. Genuine giving is done in private, not on film. You may fall for it because you don't understand how his gimmick works, but I do. He harms innocent businesses who perform real gifts in the form of "employment" in society. The best way to review a restaurant is on a site like Yelp, not coming in and causing confusion. He's not even qualified and that's why things keep going left. His business model will not last long because people will grow tired of folks coming out of the wood works to give their unqualified opinion about a business that someone else worked their behinds off to build. It's nothing more than a grift. It's a smart grift, but still a grift.

Anonymous said...

I read consumer reviews.

Sunno said...

^^^^Y'all are haters, it don't matter what these people are doing or how they are attempting to help you heauxs, will sit on this site and hate. But wtf are y'all doing other than hating from behind a screen.

anonymous said...

@9:01am..So yall Stanford MBA grads now huh? Sounds like some bitter Atlanta caterer FOH! Clearly your theory isn't working either. Social media and it's influencers aren't going anywhere-it's the new marketing model (ask the YT influencers). People connect with him for a reason. He's just a small piece of the puzzle and grew his following organically which happened to from Tiktok (and not IG or Youtube).

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