Saturday, June 15, 2024

Karen and Deon Derrico Call It Quits

Popular reality TV stars, Karen & Deon Derrio, end their 20 year marriage and will share custody of their 13 minor children...

From The Sun
DOUBLING Down With The Derrico stars Karen and Deon secretly divorced last week, court documents have revealed.
The quiet split came after the most recent episodes of their TLC show showed their relationship straining over several weeks.
On Friday, it was revealed that the TV personality's divorce was already made official as a judge signed off on it.
Karen, 44, and Deon, 41, filed for divorce on June 4.
Two days later, the judge approved their split.
They are splitting legal and physical custody of their 13 kids.
According to the court documents, Deon will pay a monthly fee of $1,166 for child support.
Karen will not pay any child support because she has responsibility for the kids' medical insurance.
It was also learned that Karen would keep her last name as Derrico despite the falling out.
Karen and Deon have had quintuplets, triplets, twins, and other pregnancies.
Their oldest child, Darian, wasn't mentioned in the court docs as she is 18 and was born in 2005.


Anonymous said...

from my observation the majority of reality tv marriages are not happy, just fronting for the cam. It makes sense though, if you're truly happy and successful you really don't want all those cameras in your face. Wishing them all the best though 13 kids is a lot!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who these people Snitcho?

Anonymous said...

There's no valid reason in 2024 for people to willfully have this many children. And then they go complain about how tired and broke they are (which is why they go do shows like this). And her ex only pay $1k for THIRTEEN kids, meanwhile, my ex pays me $900 for a single child. There's no serious way to make sure all of the children are equally loved and cared for, and normally in big families like this, the older children end up being forced to give up their childhoods to raise the younger children. Can we just agree to stop having litters of children already?

Anonymous said...

I once met a recently separated guy who had 6 minor kids with his ex (to my 1 child). I asked if he'd ever discussed birth control with his ex and he said no, it was something they'd never really talked about or considered. And I immediately knew to nope out of that, because if between two grown adults, not one of yall had a single functioning brain cell to consider family planning, I didn't want to be caught up being responsible forvtheir stupidity. And naturally, dude was shocked when I told him what he'd likely have to pay in child support, once the dust settled. Folks are seriously out here just having huge families with no concept of the long-term possibilities, like widowhood and divorce. Then they get into the dating game and go crying about not finding suitable partners.

Anonymous said...

If you have 14 children together make it work. You shouldn't be allowed to divorce until the work of raising your tribe is complete.

Anonymous said...

Dang. Y'all are harsh this morning. Every large family I've known was extra loving towatds each other. The problem is that reality tv couples always end in divorce. Folks need to stop showing the world the inner-workings of their families. Outsiders will remember every disagreement long after the couple makes up and will never let you forget it.

LOLOL said...

Wow, this season I felt the disconnect between them. She was so tired of him being controlling, manipulative and living in the that small house for years.
I don't know how he got away with that low amount of child support. He needs his @$$ kicked for that one.
She was stupid for allowing him to control her uterus and not being on birth control. Now look at her. Who is going to be with her now, with all of them dang kids. He's free to go off and start another family if he wants.
For those of you that have not watched this show it comes on TLC on Tuesday nights. I think this is the 4th season.
God bless her, the kids and send him str8 to /-/ell.

Anonymous said...

$1100 a month for 13 kids? This has got to be a prank.🤦🏿‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Ladies this is why married or not, you control the number of kids you want, and can afford in case forever isn’t forever with these ninjas.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they thought they would be big reality stars but that never happened. I don't know one person who watches their show. They're both awkward and that many kids running around is just not that interesting. Stop getting married and having kids for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

we stay losing on all ends

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Lord said be fruitful and multiply, but that was also during a time in world history where families lived close and helped each another their entire lives. So having a ton of kids in a non agricultural era where families are no longer close only makes sense if you are very rich and can afford maids, nannies, and cooks.. My husband and I have 1 child and we pay over $900 a month in medical premiums before any copay and deductibles. The employer pay the other $36,000 per year in insurance coverage! So you really have to plan having kids nowadays unless you want to end suffering. Karen and the kids are in my brother's because that low amount of child support is disgraceful. I know store stockers who pay more than that for 2 kids!

Anonymous said...

^^^Prayers, not brother's^^^ Sorry, strange autocorrect

Anonymous said...

Dyver is a cute name.

Anonymous said...

Ain't NO 'We' 🤦🏿‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️

Anonymous said...

I think the 'be fruitful and multiply' was a mistranslation or misunderstanding. The ppl who translated weren't savvy to the nuances of the Hebrew language. God made some ppl infertile and some have both sex organs. I think 'fruitful' means something else, like multiply the fruits of the spirit (joy, peace, love, etc.) and not fruits of the flesh.

Anonymous said...

To: 12:29

It means to have babies. After the flood, there was no one on the earth and those instructions were given to Noah to help rebuild and manage the world.

“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Anonymous said...

12:29PM & 1:33PM just reinforced why I don't follow any religion -- because it's too easy for everyone to make up their own interpretation. Follow your spirit because God is Within you and not solely what's in a book written by Man.

LOLOL said...

2:31 PM. True that....

Anonymous said...

@1:33 That's again "their" translation...but do you boo.

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