Saturday, June 29, 2024

Kanye Forced to Beg Kim for Financial Help?

Two weeks ago Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori were spotted flying coach, just months after downsizing from their luxury accommodations in Hidden Hills to a much smaller apartment in West Hollywood [click here and here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders are claiming Ye has been hitting up his ex wife, Kim Kardashian, begging her to lend him some cash...

From In Touch 
Kim Kardashian is raking in the dough as ex-husband Kanye West plows through his dwindling savings – and he’s throwing himself at her feet asking for financial help, a source tells In Touch exclusively.
“Kanye’s been burning through his savings at an alarming rate and it’s starting to have a very real impact on his bank balance. He’s still got some money coming in, but ever since he lost that deal with Adidas, he’s seen many, many zeros drop off his net worth,” the source reveals.
The “Heartless” rapper, 47, was dropped by Adidas in October 2022 after he made anti-Semitic comments on social media, despite his Yeezy shoes being one of the brand’s best-selling items.
"At first, he didn’t let it affect his spending habits, if anything he spent more to prove he could, but it’s now gotten to the point where he’s got no choice but to make some cutbacks, like flying coach instead of private jets,” the insider continues.
"Reigning in his spending is not something he’s used to doing and it’s been a huge blow to his ego. Meanwhile Kim couldn’t be doing better. She’s been very smart with her money and business is booming, so she’s able to spoil the kids in a way Kanye can’t,” the source explains.
"She can charter a private jet or stretch limo service at the snap of a finger. He’s still on the hook for custody payments, which is also something he’s finding difficult to sustain,” the source said of the growing financial differences between Kim, 43, and Kanye. The former couple share four children: North, 11, Saint, 8, Chicago, 6, and Psalm, 5.
“So, it’s put him in the humiliating position of needing to actually ask Kim to give him a break and help him out. Having to admit to her that things are not as great as he likes to pretend is rock bottom for him, the only thing lower is going broke, so he’s had to humble himself and ask her for help,” the insider revealed.


Anonymous said...

I mean he literally made them relevant again because they were drowning after the Kris Humphries fiasco 🤷🏽‍♀️ (literally Kanye shrug)‼️

R in NYC said...

So that's why his wife is always half naked. He can't afford to buy her clothes.😂

Anonymous said...

How incredibly dumb do you have to be to blow millions of dollars? He could've spent some of that money on a really good therapist to avoid this. He deserves all the humiliation and dragging he gets.

Anonymous said...

Kim is gracious when it comes to Kanye. If I were her I’d slip him some funds only when he has their kids, but other than that, he’s on his own. He can work and so can his wife… tf?!

Anonymous said...

Who is okay with a man blowing all of his money and then asking his kid’s mother for money? That’s low!

LOLOL said...

Nope, I wouldn't do it. He needs to learn some humility and get a financial planner.

Anonymous said...

He’s prolly just asking to skip his custody payments

Anonymous said...

He literally owns 15% of her company Skims, his share is valued at 200 million. He doesn't need whore money , but he knows a lot about that family,if he is asking for money, it's in her best interest to pay up.

Anonymous said...

^ i doubt she actually owns it. And his share ain't nowhere near 200 milly.

Anonymous said...

He could do shows at smaller venues and make more than enough money to live off of but his shallow ego won't allow it. He thought people were buying his products because of who he is. He learned quickly that the truth is those entities he was attached to would propped him up to sell all of that garbage to black people, who are okay with flushing their money down the toilet on things they do not need. It's really sad when you think about it because black people go played, Kanye got played but the white people got paid.

R in NYC said...

His downfall has been epic.

Anonymous said...

LOL^ I was wondering where all their money could be going its not like he is spending any dollars on material, she is out here in rubber and floss. Things may not be as great as he presents I kinda think that is what he need people to think. At the end of the day Biance will some how end up with whatever he has.

Anonymous said...

Ain’t she about to transition to a Man?

Anonymous said...

He needs to get a refund on those tacky platinum grills that allegedly cost $850K. *kanye shrug*

Anonymous said...

Noticed celeb lies play around with the zeros. It prolly cost $850.00

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