Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jonathan Majors Snags First Post-Conviction Movie Role

Earlier this year actor Jonathan Majors lost several movie roles after he was convicted on domestic violence charges [click here if you missed that]. 

Majors just scored his first post conviction acting gig...

EXCLUSIVE: Jonathan Majors is set to star in the revenge thriller Merciless, which is based on an original screenplay by Frank Hannah. Martin Villeneuve, the younger brother of filmmaker Denis Villeneuve, will direct. The younger Villeneuve is best known for his sci-fi opus Mars et Avril.
Merciless follows a top CIA interrogator who, after the woman he loves is overtaken by a malevolent force, is forced to go even darker to defeat it. The film will mark Majors’ first role since his third degree assault and harassment conviction earlier this year. The movie will shoot in Saskatchewan in late fall.


No Chiraq said...

Gifted actor

Vixen49 said...

Good as he should.

Anonymous said...

He's an amazing actor. Love Craft Country was an excellent series.

Anonymous said...

Good! I’ll be watching.

Anonymous said...

Good!!! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Let him get back to work! He didn't kill anyone.

Anonymous said...

I’m here for this.

Anonymous said...

I fully support Jonathan Majors. He didn't deserve that fall from grace. Wishing him a blessed comeback and more love and success than he ever dreamed of. Do your thing black man! I'll be watching 🥰

Indi_flo said...

Lovecraft should have gotten more love!!

R in NYC said...

Good 4 him. Leave Becky alone.

Anonymous said...

"We Duh Lease Protecteted" & In The Next Breath Protect An Abuser 🤦🏿‍♀️

GOD 👃🏿 Slavery Did A Number On YOU OHS🙋🏿‍♀️

LOLOL said...

Has he been sentenced to anytime yet?
Stick with MG, she's been loyal so far.

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