Monday, June 03, 2024

India Arie Cancels Tour for Mental Health

Recording artist India Arie announces that she is canceling her upcoming tour for mental health reasons...


R in NYC said...

I completely understand her frame of mind. Why put yourself through something you're not mentally strong enough to handle? Her fans deserve her best.

Anonymous said...

I understand and her fans will understand, too. 2020 knocked a lot of us out with Trump's insurrection and COVID.

We'll catch you next time, sis. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I'll never forget back in the early 2000s India and Alicia Keys came on the scene at the same time. They both had good music with a unique style but different PR machines behind them. And even though their music wasn't the same, they reached similar audiences because they were classy, soulful sisters who made music that moved you vs. ratchetness or selling sex. 

Then I noticed they were being constantly compared to one another based on their looks (so called attractiveness) even though they weren't even close to being on the same level. The "winner" was clearly chosen. Fast fwd two decades. Alicia's a multi-millionaire who had access to everything and India still has to tour to pay her bills. Writing's on the wall as to why one succeeded and one didn't. That's when I really started to understand how the music industry worked. I knew a certain type of female artist could only succeed if she looked a certain way. Next came the great success of Beyodel and on it goes .

LOLOL said...

Maybe she would perk up if she got a house call from Common or another lost love. LOL
Jokes aside. Being alone too much can be depressing. Get your groove back gurl.

Anonymous said...

Society and their colorist mindset played into the division. The labels pitted a dark skin and biracial against each other. Clive is good at dividing people and had the time and money to do so.

Anonymous said...

Amerie, Tweet, Kheri Hilson and Ashanti were also newcomers around this time. I work in the biz and saw how it went. The machine was behind Beyonce and Alicia Keys. None of the other singers could break through. I really hate how the music industry pours all of their money behind a select few instead of giving others a fighting chance too. Ashanti was lucky enough to connect with a management team that kept going for her. That's the only reason people are talking about her today.

Yamz said...

She's pretty annoying saying if you dont believe me ask her agent. Touring aint for the weak, that money sounds good but just like anything else you have to also be mentally prepared for it.

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