Sunday, June 02, 2024

Ice T Calls Lenny Kravitz a Weirdo

Last month rocker Lenny Kravitz admitted he's been celibate for nine years [click here if you missed that]. 

Rapper Ice T calls Lenny's celibacy  journey weirdo shxt...


Vernell said...

The Nerve Of Some Folks ~ 'Ice Tea'...They Always Say, Keep The Family Out Of It! So I Will... But, When You Live In A Glass House, Don't Throw No Stones....

Vernell said...

The World Is Full Of People That Are Different In Looks Thoughts & Habits. It Would Be Very Boring IfWe Were All The Same, What Is Weird To 1 Person, Maybe Normal To Some 1 Else.

Shafrika Lights said...

Being single in 2024 is no joke. Ice T is lucky to be married.
Instead of Lenny being a player all those years he should have married. The dating pool sucks now. Most people aren't worth your time.

LOLOL said...

This is coming from a man, that looks like Frankenstein, claimed Pimp status, married a YT porn s!ut, has a child that suckled mama's fake tid-da's until the ripe ole age of puberty, and mediocre acting skills. You have no idea what a spiritual journey is. Go back to painting your grey roots.

Anonymous said...

Yet he has a blow up doll breastfeeding a 5 year old, while teaching her to twerk and play beer pong. Glass houses, shut up old man!

Anonymous said...

He can recognize weird since that's his entire family situation.

R in NYC said...

Chiiile.....Ice T must be bored. He has no room to talk about any type of weirdness. Let Lenny live. I'd rather he be celibate than out here spreading diseases and breaking hearts.

Anonymous said...

Weird is his wife’s twerking, makeup wearing, breast feeding gremlin!!!!! Dude should say less because he is a catastrophe of epic proportions when it comes to being “weird”

Anonymous said...

That baby still being breast fed at 13 is weird.

Anonymous said...

Ice T weird for saying that.

Anonymous said...

A man speaking on another man is weird.

Anonymous said...

Weird is the new normal

Anonymous said...

Snitch didn’t post a Saturday. That was weird.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Yes. Vernell. Yea.

oregonsistah said...

He has a nerve!!

No Chiraq said...

Ice- T married a C-grade pass around Playboy bunny
What voice does he have 2 speak on Lenny

Anonymous said...

What everyone above said.

Anonymous said...

Pot. Kettle. Black.

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