Monday, June 03, 2024

Halle Berry and Son's Father Agree to Take Co-Parenting Classes

Last year actress Halle Berry and her third husband, actor Olivier Martinez, finally settled their divorce eight years after filing [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Halle and Olivier have agreed to take co-parenting classes...

From The Blast  

The former power couple recently agreed to enter co-parenting therapy/coaching sessions for their minor son, Maceo Robert Martinez. The news was unveiled in legal documents obtained by The Blast, capturing the duo's willingness to work together.
The co-parenting agreement marks a significant improvement in Halle Berry's and her ex's relationship as they have garnered much attention for their tumultuous divorce and custody proceedings.
In the legal documents, Berry and Martinez agreed to appoint Dr. Jaye-Jo Portanova as their co-parenting therapy/coaching conductor. The therapist's role is to help them:
“Resolve disputes and conflicts between them in an effort to successfully co-parent the parties' minor child, Maceo Robert Martinez ("Maceo"), in a manner that promotes Maceo's best interest.”
To achieve this goal, Dr. Portanova will have access to Maceo's school and anyone she deems necessary for the parties' co-parenting therapy/coaching. This includes Berry's beau, Van Hunt, who can participate in the counseling sessions.
However, his attendance will be based on Dr. Portanova's recommendation and approval. The therapist is responsible for determining the manner, structure, and length of the sessions and their frequency.


R in NYC said...

Halle and her ex's .......chiiile. let's hope for the kid's sake this works out for the best.

Anonymous said...

Gotta start somewhere. Kid's darn near grown she couldn't work it out

Anonymous said...

I'd have had babydaddy "removed" permanently from the situation.

Anonymous said...

^ Uh oh, someone else would do what Puffy would do.

Anonymous said...

They about 8 years too late but guess it's better than nothing.

No Chiraq said...

Black/White Mother + French/Spanish Father= A mess conundrum of coparenting energy

Anonymous said...

This isn't newsworthy. When folks have a contentious divorce with minor children, parenting classes are a norm. My bd and I were ordered classes also.

Anonymous said...

12:34 if you've never left your hometown just say that

Anonymous said...

She is a train wreck plain and simple. 8 years later and she still can’t figure it out.

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