Friday, June 28, 2024

Haleema Nash Clarifies JJ Reddick N-Word Incident

This week after JJ Reddick was named head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, Duke alumni Haleema Nash claimed she had been called the n-word by Reddick while he was a member of the Duke Blue Devils basketball team [click here if you missed that].

Haleema gives more insight to her claims...

...acknowledging that the incident happened years ago and conceding that people do change.


Anonymous said...

Girl, you could have kept that victim story. You tried to destroy this man’s achievement and now you’re back peddling with a people change narrative.

R in NYC said...

She didn't get the attention or result she was hoping for. She should came out with this during his NBA career. Why wait until he's a coach? JJ has been everywhere on sports talk shows, podcasts etc and this didn't bother her until now?
Girl bye!

Anonymous said...

Nobody listens to Black women.

LOLOL said...

Call him a l-lonky back and keep it moving. Bloop

Anonymous said...

He denied it which does not speak to him being a changed man. Why offer him an out when he isn’t even coming clean? I still hope the Lakers lose all their games.

Anonymous said...

Well now with this response from her, I’m not convinced he said it, to her, about her, and at that particular time. Moving on

anonymous said...

in other words, his lawyers aint playing with her ass

Anonymous said...

People will listen to Black women if their story sounds believable. She made an accusation with no proof, explanation, context, the 5 Ws or How, and now she's back-peddling. Sure sounds credible to me.

A Black woman

Anonymous said...

Black folks on here show how we don’t have any solidarity towards Black Women. I believe the Sister. Some of you on here are just Cauc identified and all snuggled up under their nuts.

Anonymous said...

What makes him so believable over her? Cause he’s a Man or because he’s YT?

I believe Ms. Nash

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