Friday, June 28, 2024

Draya's Ex Sends a Chilling Warning

This week it was revealed that Draya Michele was suing her ex, NFL quarterback Tyrod Taylor, for trying to evict her and backing out of their agreement to sell her the house he bought for her to stay in while they were together [click here if you missed that]. 

Tyrod low key responds...

After news of Draya's lawsuit went viral Tyrod shared pointed lyrics from Kendrick Lamar's "Euphoria " on his instagram stories, implying Draya is a liar and that she better leave it alone before he tells his side of the story. 


Anonymous said...

Kendrick is a liar and a hypocrite. Please stop. Women get mad at Chris Brown for liking black women but Kendrick is the same ninja. His girl isn’t dark and didn’t the midget cheat with a white woman?
But I digress ….
Draya should have made sure she had a contract to keep her home.

Anonymous said...

*for not liking *

Anonymous said...

I also don’t under why women are consumed with being baby mothers instead of a wife. Being a baby mother isn’t exactly a title of respect.

Jcee said...

8:04 because they know that they are going to end up a baby mama anyway, even if they were married the average marriage last about seven years depending on when they decide to have a child within the marriage the child could be seven years or younger when they divorced, and that woman becomes a baby mama. Why are we so obsessed in the black community with raggedy marriages somebody marrying before they have a baby is not going to keep them married and it’s not going to prevent them from becoming a baby mama. Way back from the 40s 50s 60s and 70s we can look back and see that marriages in the black community have been raggedy , the only is the women stay because they had no other choice during those times, especially during the times when women didn’t have rights because if they had kids that marriage, the men would automatically get the children. During those times those women was putting up with their husbands having whole entire family Illes on the other side of town and multiple girlfriends so let’s not pretend that marriage is the saving grace in our community because it’s not the only thing that is going to stop all of this mess that’s going on is the accountability and holding the men accountable not act like men don’t control marriage in order for a woman to get married a man has to want to marry her these men are not running around proposing to anyone because they are busy saying that they are a prize and they want to be taken care of and no woman wants to sign up to marry a man that they have to sit and not only take care of emotionally and physically but also in part financially

R in NYC said...

Draya don't want that smoke. She is a known escort and former stripper. No telling how high her body count is. She needs to take this L and let that house go. She should have known to get it all in writing. I don't care how good the 🍆 is...get it in writing!!!

R in NYC said...

Jcee... exactly! Black men were breeders during slavery. They have never been monogamous. Our mother's and grandmother's generation had no choice but to stay in those toxic, abusive, controlling marriages. Women couldn't get decent jobs and were still expected to cook, clean and pump out babies while their husbands controlled the money. At one point women couldn't even have a credit card.
I saw what my mother put up with in order to have a house and money to spend and I said hell naw!
I'm not about to sponsor no man! I pay all the bills in my home and I'm not about to let some bum live off of me while he's lying, cheating and trying to use me for a roof over his head.
Marriage is the last thing these nuccas want! They want all the benefits of a wife tho'!
Draya been hoin' too long not to have her own house by now. What's really going on?

LOLOL said...

Women trap simple men with a contract of kids. MEN are that interested in being responsible with kids in most cases.
You have to know a man and his ways before popping out kids. That takes time. They just don't have that instinct or connection like some women do. l-lell some women don't want they own kids.

Anonymous said...

Do tell.

Anonymous said...

A scheming women clawing at the end of her long run in the game that don’t need her no more. Hey grandma.

Anonymous said...

She got skeletons

Anonymous said...

true that Jcee, marriage is NO badge of honor, unless it's a real one, monoganous, loving and a true friendship. Women need to stop normalizing struggle love and man sharing, it simply ain't a flex.

Anonymous said...

Mostnofnthe black women I know are married. Maybe 80%. And those that are married have been married decades. Thus includes my mom and many friends. There are plenty great black marriages and partners. Don't believe the hype. Just like I don't know no women like Sexxxy Red. I guess you have to seek these type of women out to find them...

Anonymous said...

I’m with 11:21, because I grew up around nothing but solid positive blk marriages in family and with friends, definitely 80%+. Nobody’s perfect but now the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances in my community are happily married without all the drama of RHOA-types, rappers, athletes, celebs, thots, strippers, etc. Sorry if most on this site have had nothing but the stereotypical blk men in relationships.

R in NYC said...

11:56 You are the EXCEPTION to the rule. Most black women are NOT married. And how many marriages are truly happy? There's a lot of wives out here putting up with a lot of mess to get bills paid. A lot of people faking happiness and that's why there men are cheating and chasing single women.
I guess it depends on what you call solid and happy. Some women are just happy to have a husband. Could care less he's going upside their head 😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

How many single women are truly happy? Most single women are chasing that 'happily ever after'. But what Disney did not tell you is that happiness is where you find it. Marriage is work. I'd rather have all the benefits of marriage with a man that dips occasionally than all the burdens of singledom with that same man. Draya is exhibit A.

Anonymous said...

I know two can't represent many, but you folks sound really hurt and severely damaged. I understand history plays into alot and I hope you find solace in your journeys.

Anonymous said...

That is not from Not Like Us, it is from Euphoria, Snitch.

Anonymous said...

12:18 The marriages I know are stable.and happy. Everyone has their issues but a good partnership works and stands the test of.time..The blk women I know.that are not married... either were married or never married and have the type of personalities where they are better by themselves. And fine with it.

Anonymous said...

How many single women are truly happy? I would answer more are happy than married ones. Don't let a dusty make u delulu. :-)

Anonymous said...

These so-called "happily married" couples are based on what you SEE, not what you KNOW. Take it from someone who is friends with tons of married people who cheat on their spouses. This includes family members who confessed their sins. Many marriages seem appear great because the ones dipping just aren't sloppy about it. These women know when they're being cheated on but stay to save face or keep the benefits, and the men understand it's cheaper to keep her so they're not gonna ruin their entire lives and family over a piece of trim.

Maybe solid marriages exist but I have evidence and experience to know most of them are a front. And don't let those Facebook and Insta family pics fool you. The same ones smiling and cheesing daily are quick to as for privacy "as we go through this difficult time" and a month later the divorce is final. Ask Tayana Taylor and 'em.

R in NYC said...

I'm single and I'm happy and so are my single friends. We do what we want when we want! Ain't sitting at home waiting on no cheating man to come home.😎✌️💯

Anonymous said...

So, being cheated on is ok as long as you're not married to dude? Because I guarantee the only reason you're single is because the last dude cheated on you. As did the man before that one and the man before that one and the man before that one...Men will be men. If you're going to deal with their sh!t why not reap the benefits of marriage (taxes, insurance, pension, stable life for your children...).

Anonymous said...

^ Are you a man? That's the only way your post might be logical.

Anonymous said...

9:47, no way. Happily married and cheating allowed do not go together

Anonymous said...

Happily "single" with a cheating boyfriend/forever fiance do not go together, either. If my relationship is not at 100% at least I know I have insurance, his pension and a more than better chance that my kids won't turn wild with their natural daddy in the house.

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