Monday, June 24, 2024

Draya and Jalen Ignore Relationship Hate

Last year Draya Michele faced backlash after confirming she was expecting a baby with professional basketball player, Jalen Green, who is 17-years her junior [click here if you missed that].

Draya and Jalen address the drama...

In an on the street interview with TMZ Draya says she Jalen stay off the Internet to avoid the haters, while Jalen insists they don't care what people say. 


Anonymous said...

Doesn't he have 3 other babies?

Anonymous said...

Relationship? What relationship?

Anonymous said...

Stop with the stupid questions!

Anonymous said...

Yt interviewer is wack

Anonymous said...

She dropped already. Wow.

LOLOL said...

Daughter like mama. He want be around for long. Men this young are not interested in being fathers or being faithful.
Especially athletes.

mil262 said...

Who are these people?

Anonymous said...

Her kids are going to resent her when she’s older. She puts more attention into 🍆 than the wellbeing of them.

R in NYC said...

Draya will never be Mother of the year but she gets knocked up by dummies with money.

Anonymous said...

LOL, ol Welcome to the NBA Draya is good and dont care what one fool got to say about her.

Anonymous said...

Looking like a mother walking down the street with her son and pushing her grandchild in a stroller.

Anonymous said...

I give this "relationship" another year

LOLOL said...

5:21 PM

Anonymous said...

To: 6:11 PM

LMAO!!! But did I like tho? You know that's what she looks like.

Anonymous said...

This looks so improper.

Anonymous said...

Is he slow? Seems a little goofy. And no offense and the questions not related to him being slow but is he Aboriginal?

Anonymous said...

Is he slow? Seems a little goofy. And no offense and the questions not related to him being slow but is he Aboriginal?

Anonymous said...

And also she sure made sure to get to that plastic surgeon office stat! Talking about breast feeding with her lying azz.

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