Monday, June 17, 2024

Donald Trump Vists Black Church in Detroit

Blacks for Trump trends after Donald Trump visits Black church in Detroit full of white people...

Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church asked Trump what he’d do for Black entrepreneurs and Trump's answer was that they need to stop the crime and then pivoted to asking Sewell to lead a prayer.


Anonymous said...

Young people gone sell they souls to him based off optics alone. They don’t read for knowledge and believe whatever the computer tells them.

Anonymous said...

How do you see funding? Are you kidding me the Republicans just voted down funding for african american women trying to start black businesses? This is a staged fake church event Detroit church filled with staged supporters of a felon. Lower than a snake's belly and full if lies and decite to get your voted and do what like before NOTHING. What happened to the Platum Plan?

Anonymous said...

I hope the minister got paid for renting out the church for this Yt debacle. Your suppose to save souls not sell them out to the highest bidder.

LOLOL said...

All those Yt Seeds will be back to burn the church down later, if Dump don't win.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Pick a few put them on display. Next blame crime when it was the drugs and constant racism that destroyed black communities.

I loved how the prayer was quick to call out Trump's 34 felonies xD crime my behind

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie still ain't shiiiiid. He shudda burst into flames entering that church.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

Where are the bots that usually invade this space every time orangeade is mentioned?

Anonymous said...

This is appropriate. Religion is a con.

Anonymous said...

biden gives 600 million to jewish family services ngo's every other month to bring in illegals.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:49 PM… Snitch ain’t paid us this month.

Anonymous said...

Where did they find all of those white people in black azz Detroit?

Anonymous said...

@6:34 that part

Anonymous said...

@6:34 PM I'm from The D. He bussed them in just for this occasion. #ADamnShame

Anonymous said...

Just 4 years ago he wanted all of Detroiters' votes tossed out. Now he's courting them. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

This man will be the end of the America we know. He will become a dictator. He will cut out benefits that help people in need. He will talk reckless to other countries to draw wedges between other countries. Donald Trump is the Antichrist. People keep thinking oh he's a felon he's just like us are the dumbest people. He will win and this country will be damned.

Jan said...

Trump went to a black church and filled it with his white MAGA supporters, assuming those in the neighborhood would fall for his lies, AGAIN.

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