Monday, June 03, 2024

Donald Trump Joins TikTok

Four years ago Donald Trump was famously trolled into preparing for a huge rally of over 1 million supporters in Tulsa, OK after teens on TikTok reserved tickets en masse, with no intention of showing up, leading to an embarrassingly low turn out and Trump threatening to ban the app [click here if you missed that]. 

In a surprising turn of events, Donald Trump joined TikTok Saturday night...

As of this morning the former president's introductory post has racked up nearly 62 million views, but not quite as many followers. 


Anonymous said...

When did this become a Trump blog?????

Anonymous said...

Just sad and pathetic.

No Chiraq said...

Waiting for the US to band TIKTOK

Anonymous said...

…..while china begins hacking his phone through tik tok

Anonymous said...

“As of this morning the former president's introductory post has racked up nearly 62 million views, but not quite as many followers.”
Trump still got more followers than you Snitch!
Snitch get in the winners circle & join us! You post Trump more than biden!
You know Big Daddy T gon win by a landslide!
biden couldn’t throw a rally at a nursing home!
They’d rather play bingo than to watch someone who looks like they should be a resident!

Anonymous said...

Is this he that ruled the earth and destroyed GODS Chosen People?

Anonymous said...

Trump owns a whole social media platform, why is he on TikTok....oh my bad almost forgot it's failing like EVERYTHING this man touches

Jessie said...

He wanted to ban tik tok while in office.

Anonymous said...

Not him joining the app he so badly wants to band! 🙄

Anonymous said...


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