Monday, June 24, 2024

Chris Rock Offended by Bad Boys 4 Slap Scene

Two weeks ago "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" opened at No. 1 at the box office, confirming fans had forgiven Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards [click here if you missed that].

Apparently Bad Boys 4 contains a 'slapping scene' and Chris Rock is NOT happy about it...

Will Smith claims he’s a changed man since slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars in 2022 and even seemingly referenced the infamous slap in his latest movie Bad Boys 4. However, the addition to the script has reopened old wounds with Chris, who’s not buying Will’s reinvention act one bit.
“Chris thinks it’s a pretty cheap stunt and he’s telling people how lame he finds it,” a source exclusively tells In Touch. “It’s a classic case of Will making light of a horrific situation. Will’s playing the victim. It was the lowest point of his career, but that’s no excuse.”
While Chris has made a point to keep a “low profile” since the headline-making moment, he “finds Will’s attention seeking nauseating,” according to the source. “It aggravates him that people keep bringing it up. He suffered as much as Will has and now Will has turned it into a funny scene in his movie. As far as Chris is concerned, it’s more proof that Will’s a total piece of work who deserves all the crap he’s gotten. Chris isn’t going to let it go. If there’s a way to get back at Will down the line, he’ll take it.”
The film’s directors addressed the similarities between the slap in the movie and what happened between Chris and Will at the Oscars. “I think, you know, if you watch the movie, you see that there are some parallels between what’s happening in the movie and real life,” they said. “You know, there’s – it’s almost like a meta experience that Will, in the character of Mike Lowrey, goes through with some themes.”


Anonymous said...

People seem to want Chris to "get over" Will's abominable behavior. He doesn't have to.

Anonymous said...

Wha? Chris ain't got no jokes on this? Awwww.

Anonymous said...

Chris is a coon, always talking about blk women to his white audiences. His skin should be thicker at this point, yet I still don't believe the slap was real, bye Chris, don't like Will either.

TheBarberLady said...

@ either. I still think that slap was fake. It was too clean and there were an amazing lack of consequences.

Anonymous said...

Aren’t these lame mean boy “comedians” always whining about people being to sensitive? His own white friend wanted the slap in his latest failed movie. Get over it Chrisbo. You are a clown and a court jester and everyone knows it. It is as cheap a stunt as your lame behind sitting around with those white devils using the N word, or your “movie” trying to shame Black women about their hair or your skit about Black people vs the N word.

Anonymous said...

Cry me a river Chris.

Anonymous said...

Shut up about it or slap his ars back.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You people are big on blaming Chris for what Will did to him. It's amazing how y'all get pis-ed because Chris don't respond to your idea of street justice. Just because you hate Chris doesn't mean he wasn't a victim and doesn't have any choice in how he reacts. (BTW I don't think Chris is funny.)

Anonymous said...

What’s funny is a grown man crying about a slap. Man the f’ck uo! No wonder so many men want to be a woman. Geesh!

Anonymous said...

Devante Swing slapped the crap out of Missy Elliott back in the day.

Do we hear her crying about it?

LOLOL said...

How does he know about the slap in the movie? Did he go see it? Sounds like he's trolling Will.
If he's so hurt, he should have slapped him back or sued him for all the coins he could get.
Chris was only funny on some of SNL skits. All of his Yt star friends hand him out a part in their movie every now and then. He's not a lead actor.
The ppl that view Will's comedy don't care about the Oscar slap. The media, some actors and the highbrow Oscar staff are the ones that care.

Anonymous said...

And the selective outrage continues. Funny how ppl pick and choose when violence happens. Violence is violence and no one should be celebrated for committing such act.

Anonymous said...

@11:42 Thank you. These people up here be celebrating some discarded definitions of masculinity.

Anonymous said...

11/42 and others.
Please go sit down. People get killed everyday and if a slap is the worst violence you’ve seen then you need to wake up. Better yet, go to the hoods and hang out with them and talk smack. Guarantee you a slap will be the least of your worries.

Anonymous said...

**11:42 and others whining**

Anonymous said...

Go talk about a man’s wife in his face and see what happens. You want to be entertained by ignorance on a comedy stage and flip out when ish gets real. I promise you, you’ll prefer to be b’tched slapped than be booty assaulted.

Anonymous said...

Men get sexually assaulted at higher rates today and they are shamed to talk about it. It must be men in the comments crying about the slap. 1st of all, don’t write a check your azz can’t cash. Period.

Anonymous said...

Oh I Wish THAT Punk Would Have Sued 😒

So Will Could Counter W Slander ✔️ Emotional Distress ✔️ Harassment ✔️ AFTER The Fact Will Asked Him Nicely Off Stage To Keep HIS WIFE'S Name OUT Of His Jokes ..

For You SCARY As s Hos Who Like To Pretend To Be Mature & VS Violence? #

Words Hold A Vibration & Will's SLAPPED LOL

Do NOT Get Over IT -Let THAT Sink In LOL The Next Time You TRY To Sneak Diss & Dry As s Disrespect ANYONE Anyways 💅🏿

Anonymous said...

@12:29 Of Course It IS PUNKS Crying LOL

They Want To Be Able To CONTINUE To STALK & BULLY Women W Out Having To Answer To A MAN 🙌🏿

Anonymous said...

@All those fools validating violence: Think about what your attitude has done for the race. (I know. It makes you feel good. Even when it ends in prison you won. Pitiful..)

Anonymous said...

Who is in prison for a slap though?

I’ll wait!

Anonymous said...

When your momma slapped you did you whoop her azz? No, you took it and kept pushing. Shut up!

Anonymous said...

Chris talked about Jada for years and she laughed it off. They even said they were friends. Chris never saw them as friends. At one time he wanted to date Jada. He mad because he not black Hollywood women’s type. It ain’t just Jada that isn’t attracted to Chris. He thought he had a chance with Rihanna. That’s funny considering how people love to label her as a ho3. He sure couldn’t get it.
He can talk about his peers wives. Talk about Dave Chapelle, Eddie Murphy, Kevin Hart’s wives.

Anonymous said...

He didn't sue because the slap wasn't real. Everybody get back to work.

Anonymous said...

You people? Back with that again, huh? Nicca, please.

Anonymous said...

8 :46, I believe that slap was staged like when Jerry Lawler slapped the fire out of Andy Kaufman. They hid the fact that it was fake for more than 30 years. Come to find out, Andy and Jerry were buddies. Lol. But because noone knew they were buddies, when Kaufman died of cancer shortly after, some were mad at Jerry. It's Hollywood.

I don't believe for one second that the night a Black man directs the Oscars, a Black man hosts the Oscars, and a Black man was set to win the Oscars that Will and Chris weren't acting. I feel it was staged. Even the joke Chris told wasn't mean because GI Jane is beautiful. I just don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

Staged or not. That GI Jane joke was not a beauty joke. She fought in the war and shaved her head to be taken seriously and prove she can perform the Navy tasks just like men. It was never about beauty. People keep saying that and it is just a redundant statement to justify Chris targeting Jada for humor.

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares Chris!!!! You decided to use your brother as a mouthpiece to bash Will, then you profited off of an unfunny Netflix special because of that slap. Yet, you don't want Will to do the same thing? Chris, you ain't in control and no matter how much you kick and cry about it, none of it changes anything. People love Will and they don't like you. Get over it or go get some therapy.

Anonymous said...

Y’all are exhausting. Who was the source here? Did Chris really have this reaction or did he even see the movie? I saw the movie too and this makes no sense …the Will-Chris slap is totally irrelevant to this movie so who decided to bring it up again? I am a fan of Chris and I am a fan of Will. I canceled neither. We are just our own worst jeesh

Anonymous said...

3:31 Snitch posted this. Blame Snitch for getting people in their feelings. Must be a fan of Chris.

Anonymous said...

You can't take the ghetto out of the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Bad Boys 4 has officially made $1 billion globally. $227 million in the U.S. alone. I’m not sure who is telling this lie but no other blog has said this. And contrary to what Stephen A. Smith said, fans are not focused on the slap. People are over it. Using his platform to focus on BS!!

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