Thursday, June 13, 2024

Chris Brown Gets Stuck in the Air in New Jersey

Chris Brown has to be rescued after getting stuck in the air at his show in New Jersey...


Anonymous said...

Now that’s high!

Anonymous said...

They need to cancel that stunt altogether because some idiots negligence will get him hurt. It's 2024, not a good year for the rich and famous. Better to be safe than sorry.

LOLOL said...

He was in the right position. Stay high. LOL
The way he complains about his new music not selling, I didn't think anyone went to his concerts.

Anonymous said...

The stage crew couldn't find or fix the mechanism to lower him back to the stage safely?? Smh

It's still pretty interesting to watch Chris get angry, because we know what he's capable of when he does.

I'm pretty sure that last guy he screamed at probably lost his job that day.

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

Chris is so cute when he pouts...

Anonymous said...

He looks like a puppet being held by the strings.

No Chiraq said...

Chris is high. Nothing new.

Anonymous said...

At least he kept performing. A true artist.
Better leave those aerial stunts to Pink tho.

Anonymous said...

I’m just here to watch Taylor Terry’s fine bald headed self!

I wish I could go to his concert, but his prices cost more than my rent and car note together. I gotta be responsible. Lol

Anonymous said...

Better to be stuck , then to fall from extreme heights. They continued, kept it professional , nobody hurt, good job.

Anonymous said...

I know he beat this shyt outta somebody that night!!

gaygaygay said...

cirque du soleil, the chris Brown addition

Anonymous said...

@ 1:17 when has Chris complained about his not selling?
He had to add dates!! Lies!

Sweets said...

@11:07 I agree, this mans shows been sold out for months.

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