Saturday, June 08, 2024

Byron Donalds Catches Jim Crow Blowback

Republican Rep. and Donald Trump surrogate, Byron Donalds, faces pushback after repeatedly claiming Black families fared better under Jim Crow...


Anonymous said...

Donalds is no different than any other lickspittle trying to please his backers, top donors, and other supporters. His false 'message' obviously isn't for or to those who are offended by it. Jeffries is a pot calling a kettle black. He does the same thing when he's trying to impress his. He just does it with a little tact, plus he appeals to many Black folks because he's a Democrat, so his b.s. goes down smoother. They're both full of it.

Anonymous said...

Donalds would have been lynched had he even looked at his wife during Jim Crow let alone marry her. Where are they finding all these c o o n a s s ninjas??

Anonymous said...

Why wasn’t the original speech posted?
All he said was the black family structure still existed during Jim Crow, which it did. He never said we were better under it. More democratic hog wash from their very small voting block. Byron Donalds is a potential VP pick for Trump & will be a 2028 presidential candidate.
Who can take joy reid & her blonde πŸ‘±πŸΎ wigs seriously. It’s over for the Democratic Party & they know it. We left the plantation. The few that choose to remain are loyal to the Big House. They’re all Stephen’s from Django.

Anonymous said...

Why all you democrats like coming on this pro republican site & trolling us in the comments?
They only post & discuss Republicans over here.
Gon over to MTO & get’chu some bizness!
Get frum here!πŸ‘‰πŸΎ

Anonymous said...

Is this about Jim Crow or Single Mothers? if this is the point he should have directed his statements towards African American males to stop making broken homes and stated in the past the black family was stronger as a unit fathe/husbandr, mothe/wifer married and then having kids.

Anonymous said...

Byron Dumald is a clearly colonized, self hating lame excuse for a human being and so are the people trying to deflect from what this buffoon said and clearly meant. You have to be a completely sold out, idiotic, amoral and just plain dumb hand tool of white supremacy to even hint that there was any value to the Black family during Jim Crow. That’s why his stupid behind is pathetically trying to back peddle and side step now. He is a waste of melanin.

Kendall said...

I wonder if Kamala was there would she have kept that same energy..

Probably not..

Anonymous said...

He should have reminded them that it was the democrats that enacted Jim Crow laws.

LOLOL said...

Not even old enough to know how JC felt like to be running his mouth. Reading books do not explain the real pain and suffering from that period.
There is no political label on this site. You just got here. Folks have been on this site long before you started your misconstrued comments. You're in no position to tell folks what political party can comment. Sit on a sharp edge and have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

How do these people develop so much self hate? It's fascinating to observe.

Anonymous said...

@1:38 thank you!!!

Danni P said...

It's amazing that either party thinks those ppl are actually looking out for us πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Democrat, Republican neither label matters! We pay them to do nothing but lie!

Anonymous said...

He should have nothing to mention about blk families since he doesn’t have one anyway. He has an intarayshal family, so shut up

Anonymous said...

Byron Donald’s and his ilk are bastards. There is no place in hell for those who willfully - for personal gain - sell their own to the enemy. African nations are still struggling under the spell of their slave master ancestors.

R in NYC said...

Dis tragic kneegrow can go suck an egg.

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