Friday, June 28, 2024

Beyonce Shares Pics from Hamptons Day Trip

This week Beyoncé, Jay Z and Blue Ivy were spotted on a trip to the Hamptons [click here if you missed that].

Beyoncé shares pictures and video from the family outing...


R in NYC said...

Looks like she upgraded her fun bags. 😂✌️

Anonymous said...

Please stop with the vintage garb that does nothing for her! Her stylist sucks!

Anonymous said...

Covering up that fried hurr.

Anonymous said...

She loves those cat eye glasses. And they look terrible on her. She can't dress to save her life.

LOLOL said...

I really hope J has changed his rapper ways and is really become a good husband and father. I hate to see a Black man that still acts like Tinker Bell. Never wants to grow up.

Anonymous said...

She looks OLD.

Anonymous said...

That dress is too small. They look bored.

Anonymous said...

Nice life. Sick of those boobz and the blonde tho

Anonymous said...

Stop with the blawnd and the bags

Shafrika Lights said...

On a post like this why isn't she letting her natural long locks blow in the wind to promote her hairline??? What a lace front lie she is!

Anonymous said...

Swear she avant-garde while looking all kinds of tacky and Rainbow couture-ish. And why only mention Blue? Where them other two kids at? Let those rugrats out the basement already. They need daylight too.

Anonymous said...

Her dress is cute.

JelliBelliRoll said...

She seems happy. Cute dress

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