Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Aries Spears Reaches Out From His Hospital Bed

Comedian Aries Spears reaches out to Black men from his hospital bed to talk about the importance of scheduling a colonoscopy...


Anonymous said...

Good advice. Why is he in a hospital bed with a hat on? Cocked to the side like it's 2003, lol.

Anonymous said...

Men, especially black men wait until the last minute to get medical treatment. You should be getting annual checkups and eating right throughout the your life.

R in NYC said...

Yeah brothas are notorious for neglecting those regular checkups. Your health is your wealth. Don't play around with it.

Anonymous said...

Good for him and what I like the most about his message is that he showed men how effortless and easy it was for him to get the procedure. Most men think it's going to hurt or be intrusive.

Anonymous said...

Colonoscopy is the easiest medical procedure you'll ever have.

Anonymous said...

He probably wore a hat because his hair was unkempt. Folks wake up from anesthesia looking crazy.

Anonymous said...

Black women here. Just did a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Thought i might have stomach cancer but it’s just gastritis and medicine can treat that. My brother had colon cancer so i was at risk and did both at the same time. If something was wrong i could handle it. But i can sleep well knowing i have a clean bill of health. The prep kinda sucks but i lost 6 pounds and kept losing after. Im now down to 139 from 149 and plan to hity goal weight of 130 by the end of the summer safely and slowly with Bette food for my gastritis. Blood pressure down too. I feel great! Love yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of these men ignoring their health and expecting Black women to jump in and play nurse. Y'all need to figure it out, because the days of women moving heaven and earth to save y'all from your own bad lifestyle choices are OVA.

Anonymous said...

He needs to put the alcohol down, drink some water and invest in some durags.

Anonymous said...

Please don't include pictures of Aries' face in future posts. Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Men think beards cover up the weight they’ve put on. They don’t.

Anonymous said...

What 2:14 PM said.

He broke it all down and some Black guy in the comments literally asked, Does it hurt? I swear if I could invest in stupid stock I'd be one rich mo-fo.

Them bags under his eyes can hold last week's groceries and his skin is ashy so hopefully this is a lifetime wake up call and he gets his health in order forever.

LOLOL said...

5:19 PM, 3:59 PM
Y'all gave me a Keekee for today.

Black men are stuck on something going up they Boo-tay because they think its Gay. Well keep thinking that when old man cancer hits your prostate, and you can't get an erection anymore after treatment. That's if you live through the cancer and is hasn't spread through your entire body. By that time, it's too late in most cases.

Jcee said...

Sir we ain't forgot about those video taped of to u and those kids! Now on topic we can LOOK at you and tell that you neglect your health not just colonoscopy look at your eyes your skin your weight! You need to be telling black
Men to get their sloppy outta shape diabtic ridden high blood pressure heart disease arse in a gym push back from the table and go to the doctor regular. It don't make no sense to walk around looking lke an example of a diabetic coma

No Chiraq said...

Stop Smoking and excessively drinking
That all I got

Anonymous said...

Da Gooey Raccoon

Anonymous said...

All facts!

Anonymous said...

My ex is in bad health like this. Trying to get back in with compliments. Yuck!
I am not a caregiver, bruh!
Arie used to be a really nice looking man. He is lazy and just nasty looking now!

rksu747 said...

Lizzo sends her thoughts and prayers -- to everyone except Aries.

Anonymous said...

@3:59 PM You beat me to the punch! Yes, thank you!

Sandra Rose said...


Shari B said...

This was a very cheap attempt at serving black men a message, any working class man with health insurance can easily make an appointment, tired of the "especially black men BS, Aries take your chronic dry eye booger nose ass on, you just wanted a cheap Podcast plug

LOLOL said...

Oh my lawd. Y'all are not feeling this troll and his medical tears. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

He should do a much needed trip away from the public to eat right, exercise and while at it work on that warped mindset.

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