Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Anthony Mackie Explains Why He Refuses to Take Photographs with Fans

Actor Anthony Mackie has a well known reputation for rebuffing fans [click here if you missed that].

Mackie explains why...

During an actor's roundtable covering a variety of topics, Mackie shares the one thing he won't do,
"Mine is take a picture. I've had many experiences don't know what that person is going to use that picture don't know what social reality you're tying yourself to."  
"Because of the Kardashians we're kind of put in this reality where we're looked at as tools, as vessels, as opposed to artists. I've had several experiences where people have taken pictures of me and used them for ways that I don't deem the right way. So, because of that I choose not to be a part of your social reality." 


Anonymous said...

I respect that!

Chelle said...

They all corney. I don't want nothing from them narcissist. Won't take a picture but will take our money.

Anonymous said...

I love how he blames those terrible wastes of space.....

Anonymous said...

He's right tho. I don't blame any man who refuses to take pictures with random women. One picture ruined Chingy's career.

jfadica said...

What a jerk,

Anonymous said...

Sure did. Never recovered from it.

Anonymous said...

I like Clarence, my bad Anthony! 😂
He has every right to not take pics with random strangers.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

So true! You can't tell some people Instagram, X, TicTok, is not reality!

Anonymous said...

But does all the shucking and jiving with his costars

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t recognize him in the street. You’re good love

Anonymous said...

Good for him! What will a picture accomplish or do for anyone? Just appreciate his work as an actor, if you're a fan. If not, don't worry about it...keep it moving! He is.

Anonymous said...

That’s how Chingy got caught up with Sydney Star. You take an innocent picture.. then next people say you’re dating. I don’t blame him either.

Anonymous said...

Try not bother celebrities when they're in real life. You don't know them.

Anonymous said...

That round table has some iconic actors, all of whom have aged gracefully. Other than rumors about Kelsey and his views on others, it seems it was an honor for Anthony. Definitely will enjoy listening to these actors blabber.

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