Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Andre 3000 Announces Summer Tour

Last month Andre 3000 went viral after his flute solo at the Atlanta Jazz Fest garnered mixed reviews [click here if you missed that].

Undeterred 3 Stacks just announced a summer tour of his flute album New Blue Sun...

Andre and his dentist broke the news on Instagram in the middle of a teeth cleaning.


Anonymous said...

Announcing The Tweetle Tour. I' wonder if he knows how to toot Bombs Over Baghdad.

R in NYC said...

Hard pass

LOLOL said...

From what I heard and the comments from his first concert that tour sounds a little premature. He's not that good to be touring at this stage of the game.

Anonymous said...

I'm giving him the Brian McKnight treatment.

Anonymous said...

Bump that

Anonymous said...

I listen to his album as background music while I’m doing my course work. It’s like cafe music. But if I were to watch him play that album live, I’d need caffeine because the way I’d snooze after a while…smh.

Ms. Transformation said...

I'm wit 10:02am on this one....I think he feels he's better than he really is....please go back to rapping; even tho he said at his age he has nothing to rap$t there is plenty to rap about in your 40's and on....not sure why rap has ben designated for the young only....never understood that it makes sense now sense hip hop itself is in it's 40s and 50s. Good music is for all ages, when done right. That's all i got

Anonymous said...

I'm a music lover and I have several musician friends who have trained for years to perfect their art. What Andre is doing is a slap in the face to real, underpaid musicians everywhere.

Anonymous said...

He can fit fine in these jazz festival tours. He may play for a half hour or 2, but he will be among other artists on various stages so he’ll be fine.

Anonymous said...

Coachella has lol

Anonymous said...

Atleast he's back on steps...

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