Thursday, June 13, 2024

Amy & TJ Reveal ABC Colleagues Never Spoke to Them Again After Dating Scandal

Last year news anchors T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach were fired from Good Morning America after their workplace affair was uncovered [click here if you missed that]. 

Amy and T.J. admit most of their former colleagues never spoke to them again...

The majority of Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes’ former ABC News colleagues gave them the cold shoulder after their love affair was exposed nearly two years ago and they were fired shortly after.
“Once it was clear that we weren’t coming back, I never heard from most people again,” Robach, 51, claimed on the latest episode of the “Amy and T.J. Podcast” Wednesday.
Holmes, 46, said he understood his former co-workers’ hesitation “to a certain degree,” adding, “Everybody’s trying to hold on to their job.
“They don’t want to be seen as being an ally of two people that ABC News doesn’t like.”
Robach added, “I used to say, ‘It’s not like I murdered someone,’ but I definitely felt like that’s how it seemed if you read comments anywhere from all of these articles.
“It weighs you down to the point where you think, ‘I’m the worst person in the world,’ and you do feel like you’ve committed a crime. It’s bizarre.”
The mother of two said it feels “strange” to be “hated” just for “loving someone,” and said it felt especially “frustrating” because the cheating narrative was just simply not true.


LOLOL said...

Co-workers are just that. They probably didn't like either one of them in the first place, second nobody wants to be associated with ppl that got fired and third who cares once you're gone.

Anonymous said...

Has it occurred to them that most people don't really keep in touch with their coworkers? These folks really overestimate how important they are in the lives of others. They're clearly miserable and seeking validation from the public.

Anonymous said...

She was in a business where you keep all your contacts forever because they might have information you don't. I'm sure she thought Robin Roberts and the rest of the posse were her friends. Wrong. It was bizznezzz.

Anonymous said...

Of course they didn't talk to him and I guess he didn't get the memo that he's trash! He's lucky he wasn't sued for SA and breach of contract.

R in NYC said...

2 malignant narcissists. They really think the world revolves around them. Their coworkers have better things to do and careers to advance than to be bothered with them.

Anonymous said...

I would def disassociate myself from coworkers who are willing to take risks like they did.

Anonymous said...

Why would their former coworkers want to be tied to them? Please.

Anonymous said...

Of course, no one wanted to rub shoulders with them. This wasn’t just “ABC News didn’t like” them. They brought shame to the company’s morning news show. I would have put them on ice, too.

Anonymous said...

Amy you know good and well they didn’t stop talking to you because of who you loved. They stopped talking to you because your affair showed a complete lack of discipline and care and concern for the people in your lives. It was tacky and selfish. People who cheat on their families are capable of betraying everyone else in their lives.

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