Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Actor Wendell Pierce Denied Housing in Harlem

Actor Wendell Pierce shares his personal experience after being denied housing in Harlem...

It all started after Pierce reacted to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to ban grants based on race.  

After going into great detail about the law, the ruling and its possible ramifications, Pierce shared his own recent experience with discrimination. 


Anonymous said...

That’s crazy! It never stops!

Anonymous said...

White people in comments

Anonymous said...

There goes gentrification in our lifetime

Anonymous said...

It is abhorrent. This is how gentrified Harlem has become. Wendell is the true definition of a working actor. He is always working on a project and should not have been denied.

Anonymous said...

The infant yt race time is at hand, they are being culled from the planet, their birthrate continues to decline rapidly, what they have sown, they will now reap. Just be patient, their time of wickedness is at hand.

Anonymous said...

Come on now! Y’all need to get more fired up than this! Comment sections be heavy for Trumps court ruling, but this some real s*** right here & y’all kinda silent!
I guess it’s only outrage when zaddy control’s the narrative & tell y’all to get fired up.
Man it’s great to be a free thinker.

Anonymous said...

He sounds like my kind of people.

Anonymous said...

Well he can definitely sue, however if he was trying to rent in a private home/brownstone he out of luck...Fair housing laws really only apply to multiple dwelling units.
He maybe can take the owner to civil court, etc...
As far as the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to ban grants based on race I bet it has something to do with Artificial intelligence... the gov going to give all the jobs to AI and when we try to take them to court they will just say its illegal to grant funding base on race ALL human RACES!!!
Welcome to the BEAST SYSTEM.

R in NYC said...

That's that bullshit** and it's notorious racist rental practices going on In NYC. I've faced it trying to rent on Long island as well. Racist bastards automatically assume you're going to be loud, disruptive or on a housing program. Will refuse to even run your application or credit. Just no! Your black a$$ can't live here but will gladly rent to an Asian or white person with less qualifications.😡

LOLOL said...

The Yt's have been moving back to Harlem for the last 10yrs. When folks don't pay, they rent the YT/Joow landlords are moving Black folks out and YT's in.
The cops are patrolling Harlem more since YT's moved back.
That part "All men are created equal" does not pertain to us when it was written. Remember we were property and below anything considered human.
We are losing our history once again. Get your @$$ out and vote or you will be crying about it later, but it will be too late.

robin said...

why not get even and buy the building!!! he can afford it. why is he looking to rent anyway? buy something in Harlem and rent to our people!

Anonymous said...

This is what can happen when generations of people rent for decades instead of owning or trying to own. I'm not referring to him. I'm referring to some people that weren't prepared for gentrification. People that were priced out of rental properties, but also didn't want to leave the community. They had to leave. They had no choice. The demographics changed, the prices skyrocketed, and they weren't welcomed back.

Anonymous said...

He can't purchase what's not for sale.

Anonymous said...

Let dump be your president this is just the beginning

Anonymous said...

@2:53 PM, at least Dump is cognizant! Biden and that bird are in the White House working hard to destroy this country!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are still worried about the mythical white race all the while the people stomping across the border are taking our place in society. You want Affirmative Action, it goes to them first.
If you want grants based on race, the Arabs, Latino's and Asians will get those grants first. I can't tell you how many Arab owned business have popped up in my neighborhood.
They are prioritized for housing, jobs, food programs yet Wendell has the nerve to sit here and cry about GOP and MAGA. Please.

Anonymous said...

This is why people shouldn't sell inherited property. Keep family property in the family.

Anonymous said...

Keeping family property in the family sounds good but when grandma dies, family gets to fighting.

Anonymous said...

Big Poppa!!

Anonymous said...

I like Wendell. He ain't afraid to speak up.

Anonymous said...

This may be more a story of NY real estate than anything else. Co-op boards (usually white) don't like public figures in their buildings because of fear of fans and paparazzo. He was probably turned down because he is a hard working actor. Happens all the time.

Anonymous said...

Make sure your elders have in writing what happens with their estates when they expire. Once vultures get their hands on it, all potential heirs are screwed if their paperwork isn't straight. The wrong person will sell it for peanuts, instead of using it as an investment property for generational wealth, or preserving it for the next generation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yt got’em

Anonymous said...

Pathetic!! Where are your masonic brothers? Why haven't your PHA brothers rented you an apartment? They own more than enough Harlem real estate to house you. Any black male with longevity in Hollywood took the oath and is a freemason. After decades of work on the East Coast, why hasn't this black man purchased income property on the East Coast? Why are whites obligated to rent to him if blacks won't? Harlem is heavily black-owned. If he wanted to rent from blacks he could have.

Or are you just putting fake outrage toward whites out into the ethers?

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