Monday, June 24, 2024

Actor Kaalan Walker Checks in From Jail

Two years ago actor Kaalan Walker was sentenced to 50 years in prison after being convicted on r8pe charges [click here if you missed that].

Kaalan checks in with fans from behind bars...


Anonymous said...

Nah, he's setting the foundation to seek a new trial, get this verdict overturned, or get parole. I'm not fooled. BTW, a "master's degree in sociology, psychology, and communications"? Bruh, those are all completely different fields, you're not getting a triple master's degree, that is not an actual thing.

R in NYC said...

I don't support or care about s*xual predator rapists.

Anonymous said...

Tell THAT To 'Nightmare' 🙌🏿


Anonymous said...

IDK who this is but it sounds like he has found his tribe. That 50 year sentence was a blessing and I hope he continues to thrive IN the slammer.

Vernell said...

Too Bad, That Mr Walker Had To Be Convicted & Incarcerated For Some Horrible & Very Violent Crimes ~ Before He Was Able To Find GOD & The Good Person, Within Himself...

Anonymous said...

He shoulda kept his di-k to himself. There are traumatized women out there who will still be in recovery 50 years from now.

Anonymous said...

I hope he's getting some mental health help while he's in there but thank God he's finally found some purpose for his life. Too bad he wasn't that busy doing good while he was on the outside instead of taking advantage of women.

JelliBelliRoll said...

It is a shame that it takes your life being thrown away before you get the motivation to earn achievements and accolades for your own betterment. Achievements that are essentially worthless in prison. Too bad he didn't apply that motivation beforehand.

Anonymous said...

He talkin a good game

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