Friday, June 07, 2024

50 Cent Says Black Men Identify with Donald Trump's RICO Charges

This week rapper 50 Cent meet with the Congressional Black Caucus on Capitol Hill to talk about government regulation of the liquor business.

While in D.C. 50 told reporters Black men identify with convicted felon, Donald Trump, because they have RICO charges...


R in NYC said...

Shut up Diddy. Not all brothas are criminals or criminally minded.

Anonymous said...

He is one ole COON!

Anonymous said...

White racist America loves him , Shaq, Charles Barkley, Gillie the Kid and sadly so many more.

Anonymous said...

What a sell our

Anonymous said...

The brain wash continues. Relate to the worst part of another race because that's what black men relate to but in the mean time women's rights are being being taking away, Republicans are making it harder for all blacks to vote and equality anything is quickly being removed.

Anonymous said...

My grandfather, father nor brother have Rico charges are we cannot relate!

Anonymous said...

No words for the ignorance. See? This is what you hear
When Money talks. They really feel more presidential because yall criminals in kind.


Anonymous said...

But when yt says this they are being racist?!?!?

Anonymous said...

@10:06 Amen 🙏🏾 The same here.

Anonymous said...

I can’t stand 5 cents I’ll be glad when them white folks start turning on his gorilla faced azz. 5 cents is so jealous & envious of other successful black men. 5 cents a.k.a. Uncle Ruckus.

Anonymous said...

Man! Listen 50 cent is not aging well at all, that comes from all that black and negative energy that’s in his soul. He’s no better than R.Kelly or Diddy.

LOLOL said...

It's not only Black folks. Who would want to vote for a liar and thief. Other liars and thieves (or want to be)

Anonymous said...

The black males who are voting for Trump do so because they are facing RICO charges. I think 50 is referring to he rappers and high profile black males who are in trouble. Kwame Kilpatrick was pardoned by Trump. Young Thug is facing RICO charges. Diddy will be facing RICO charges. A million dollar donation to the president gets you a presidential pardon.

Anonymous said...

biden pooped his pants at the Dooms Day Memorial the other day… i definitely don’t identify with that guy! I identify with Trump! Me & millions of other free thinking black people. biden supporters are a very small percentage of field hands. I’m glad that this is a pro Republican site! You never see any post about the Democratic candidate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well didn’t he support dump before when it was related to his taxes? These blk ‘men’ just want to count themselves among the socioeconomic status as dump. Blk men just want to think like and be like yt men.

Anonymous said...

I mean I kinda see his point. Blks are voting for Trump cuz there is a parallel with the way they are treated. Imagine the outrage if Trump were a black man.

Anonymous said...

Don't put decent, law abiding black men, with your fellow felons. Dr King and em must be rolling over in their graves. No wonder Mother Earth is removing so many of these fool's from our planet. From Godz to criminals.

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