Friday, May 10, 2024

YaYa Mayweather Heartbroken Over Justin Bieber Baby News

This week Justin Biber and his wife Hailey Baldwin announced they were expecting their first child together.

Floyd Mayweather's daughter Iyanna "Ya Ya" Mayweather had a very interesting reaction...

After the announcement Ya Ya shared a picture of herself with Biber on Instagram stories with a broken heart emoji and K. Michelle's "Maybe I Should Call" as the background music.


Anonymous said...

YaYa look like she was 12 on that pic.These Canadian dudes!

R in NYC said...

Perfect timing to deflect from the rumors of what went down in the club with Odell Beckham.
Justin been looking ragged and ran through lately. Perhaps the baby will help him get his mind right. He was a child victim of that evil industry and is still suffering from the trauma. I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

What R in NYC said.
I wish him all the emotional, mental and physical health, those deviant devils in the industry, traumatized this young man, I pray for the downfall of that wicked industry and may all those pedophiles die.

Shafrika Lights said...

Oh he went down on him for sure. The video is out there. Just like the video of him grinding on Jaden. The question is who really cares at this point. These people are all gay and prostitutes. He could leave the industry and live a quiet life somewhere, but he likes it.

R in NYC said...

,@ 2:51 I don't think he liked being abused but now he's conditioned to it. They have to keep doing degenerate acts to maintain their status. I agree he needs to go away and leave that industry.

LOLOL said...

I don't know why little Tang Tang Ya Ya is upset for since she had a baby first with a simp and committed a felony to boot. It's all the Yt girls that are really upset because they thought they would have a chance to be with him one day.
Some ppl think a baby will help fix things (marriage, relationship, keep a man, make them happy) but all it really does is put a strain on what's already broken.

Anonymous said...

Justin always looks depresseded and maybe the baby will give him a different outlook on life.

Anonymous said...

K Michelle is so talented!!

Anonymous said...

@2:51 AM Justin was not grinding on Jaden. Jaden approached Justin from the BACK and bear hugged him. No grinding at all.

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