Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Tyrese Suing Ex Wife Over Unpaid Tuition

This week Tyrese Gibson accused his first ex-wife, Norma Gibson, of fraud in a messy post on Instagram [click here if you missed that]. 

Apparently Tyrese is upset that Norma refuses to pay her half of the tuition costs for a school she did not approve, and he is suing her for the $25,000.00 he claims she owes and wants it deducted from her child support...

According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, the “Fast & Furious” star aired several grievances against Norma. He accused her of owing over $25,000 and claimed she didn’t have their daughter Shayla’s best interests at heart.
In the documents, Tyrese implored the Court to enforce its prior orders for Norma to repay the tuition fees she owed. He claimed she had a $25,605.50 debt that represented one-half of the Court-ordered tuition payments he had been paying on her behalf.
According to the actor, he covered Norma's end of the tuition payments for their daughter's private school over the "academic years 2022-2023, 2023-2024, and 2024-2025." To ensure her debt repayment, Tyrese asked the Court for the authority to deduct the sum from his child support fees.
He wishes to remove $5,000 monthly until Norma's debt has been erased and wants this method to continue. Per the documents, Tyrese will pay for Shayla's total tuition fees and then deduct one-half of the payment from prospective child support payments.
The TV personality also accused his ex-wife of failing to pay the Court-ordered $1,500 in Family Sanctions that was due by August 26, 2021. He argued that she needs to repay this debt with a 10% interest per annum, totaling $1,879.32 as of March 6, 2024.
Like his first request, Tyrese implored the Court to grant him the authority to deduct all the sanctions Norma owes plus those deemed necessary after the hearing from his monthly child support payments.
As for his daughter's best interests, he argued that Norma had repeatedly defied the Court's previous order to open a Smart Account at Shayla's institution — the Sierra Canyon School.
Tyrese stressed that this was his fourth Request for Order against Norma since she first tried to enroll their daughter in the Oakwood School without his consent in May 2020.
Thanks to his request, the Court ordered Shayla to attend the Sierra Canyon School — a mandate his ex-wife allegedly hated. The documents alleged that Norma retaliated by contacting Shayla's school to inappropriately claim:
"'Tyrese will be responsible for all of Shayla's tuition and fees at Sierra Canyon as well as managing ALL of Shayla's schooling and scheduling including transportation after Covid.'"
He also attached copies of receipts that allegedly proved his ex-wife had committed fraud and forgery. Recalling the Oakwood School incident, Tyrese claimed Norma tried enrolling their daughter in the institution with a fake check.
"Respondent forged this check by signing her father's name," the media personality alleged. That wasn't all; he claimed there was an unauthorized payment of $2,134 made from his bank for Shayla's tuition on February 9, 2024, and noted the same thing happened on November 9, 2023.
According to Tyrese, Norma had a history of engaging in "transactions by using other people's information and accounts." 
He doubled down on his claims that she frequently used her father, Elman Mitchell, to commit these fraudulent activities.


Anonymous said...

Tyrese is his own worst enemy. He thinks he’s hurting these women when in reality he’s hurting himself, his mental, spiritual, and emotional self. Let it go brotha.

Anonymous said...

Men don’t like to see when their exes are happy without.

Anonymous said...

He's more than a TV personality.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I bashed Tyrese because he's always running to the blogs with stories about his ex-wives but if this new story posted today is true, then Norman is wrong. She was court-mandated to allow their daughter to attend a specific school and while Tyrese paid his portion of the tuition, she did not. Again, if that's true, Norma is as wrong as two left shoes. I'm sure she would have a fit if Tyrese would arbitrarily decide to go against the legal agreements and if he has the follow the courts rules, then she should too. Based on the article, it appears Tyrese has given her more than enough grace to pull it all together. He's looked the other way for three plus years and is even willing to continue paying minus the amounts she's owed. Hopefully, the courts are fair and will urge Norma to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

He picked her.

Anonymous said...

If he chose that school that she didn't like then he should pay. It's not like its a medical procedure the child needed. Tyrese chose a certain school hoping to eat up the child support. He's petty.

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