Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tyrese Gibson's Ex Wife Denied Restraining Order

Last week Tyrese Gibson's first ex-wife, Norma Mitchell, filed a defamation of character lawsuit against him and requested a restraining order after Tyrese went on social media and accused her of blackmail, defamation, extortion, making death threats, tax evasion, forging signatures, falsifying bank statements, domestic and international wire fraud and money laundering [click here if you missed that].

Norma's request has been denied...

According to court documents obtained by, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge denied Norma Mitchell’s plea for protection from her ex.
Norma asked the court for a temporary restraining order over the alleged harassment. She asked that Tyrese be restrained from speaking about her online.
Norma’s petition also asked that Tyrese be ordered to pay for therapy sessions to deal with his allegations.
At the hearing, the judge denied all Norma’s temporary requests. The court noted that the facts presented “do not show reasonable proof of a past act or acts of abuse.”
The judge set a hearing for July where Norma can argue her case once again in hopes of obtaining a permanent restraining order against Tyrese.


Anonymous said...

Lol not that photo while posting about this though…😂😂😂


But that’s unfortunate though. Hopefully she can get this reversed because even a blind man could see Tyrese is a toxic narcissist who thinks he knows it all just like TI. 😒

Jcee said...

So in most states a restraining in order to get a temporary restraining this is issued without a trial you have to show that you are in fear of your life or this person has physically harmed you. These temp orders are more like an emergency order. So now she gets to have a hearing to discuss why she feels she needs a restraining order and then she can show all her proof. She should classify it under harassment and cyber bullying! Then she may have a chance at getting that permanent order when they have their hearing.

Anonymous said...

Since she was denied the temporary restraining order the only thing for her to do next is to go on Tasha K and tell it all. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Anonymous said...

She needs a gag order, not a restraining order.

Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooooo , telling the truth is harassment now.


Anonymous said...

And if she really wanted him to stop saying or posting things about her , wouldn't suing for defamation of character be more appropriate.

But one of the things I learned from watching Judge Mathis is......................................................🥁drum roll please 🥁..............................

You can't sue for defamation of character if what is said about you is TRUE

Anonymous said...

Lol , my reading skills are trash , my grade school teacher is rolling over in her grave.

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