Monday, May 06, 2024

Trump Threatened with Jail Time for Violating Gag Order

Earlier this month Donald Trump was forced to delete posts on his Truth social media platform after violating his gag order to make disparaging remarks about the judge, the jury and the prosecutors in his criminal campaign finance violations trial [click here if you missed that]. 

After continuously violating the order, Trump is being threatened with jail time...

Donald Trump returned to court for a fourth week of his Stormy Daniels criminal hush money trial on Monday.
Judge Juan Merchan once again found Donald Trump in contempt – and threatened jail as a consequence for a second time.
Merchan blasted Trump for ‘continued and willful’ violations barring comments on witnesses and others he said might threaten the 'fair administration of justice.'
‘I cannot allow that to continue. As much as I do not want to impose a jail sanction….I will if necessary and appropriate,' he said inside court at the start of the 12th day of Trump's trial.


Anonymous said...

They need to stop threatening him and actually do it

Anonymous said...

Lock him up! Can you imagine if Obama was a low life
like trump doing all of this?

Anonymous said...

"To Bind their Kings with Chains, and their Nobles with Fetters Of Iron; To Execute upon them THE JUDGMENT WRITTEN: This Honour have All His Saints. Praise ye the LORD." Pray NOW LORD!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Snitch when you gon post something on biden? We all could use a good laugh after that blood bath!

R in NYC said...

How many more chances? That judge is mid. No 🏀🏀🏀🏀s.😆😆

chevychick said...

I know Trump deviates from every rule and law, and he's a rebel and all, but if he knew he'd end up in actual jail for his mouth, i sincerely believe, he wouldn't say the things he's said, so basically, Donald Trump will never go to jail! The threats just gets the people going, his immortality, and crimes span waaaay back, how many days has he sat in jail or prison yet...I'll wait! I don't stan for him at all, his BS hasnt won me over by any means, but just looking back from his presidency till now, he legally, and lawfully should've BEEN locked up! that's all. Let that marinate!

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