Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Trump Classified Documents Trial Delayed Indefinitely

Two years ago Donald Trump's Mar-a-Largo estate was raided by the FBI after he took classified documents from the White House after losing his second bid for President [click here if you missed that]. 

Now the trial has been postponed indefinitely....

From ABC News  

The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's classified documents case has now indefinitely postponed the trial date pending resolution of outstanding pretrial litigation, including disagreements about how the classified information is used during trial.
It comes as Judge Aileen Cannon has continued to delay various deadlines in the case, making it all but certain the case doesn't go to trial before Election Day.
"The Court also determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture -- before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pre-trial and CIPA issues remaining and forthcoming -- would be imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions before the Court, critical CIPA issues, and additional pretrial and trial preparations necessary to present this case to a jury," Cannon wrote in the new order.
"The Court therefore vacates the current May 20, 2024, trial date (and associated calendar call), to be reset by separate order following resolution of the matters before the Court, consistent with Defendants’ right to due process and the public’s interest in the fair and efficient administration of justice," Cannon wrote.
Cannon has set two hearings for May 22 on two motions to dismiss.
Fun Fact: Judge Aileen Cannon was appointed to the bench by Donald Trump in 2020. 


Anonymous said...

Stop posting DUMP The lump . This is a gossip blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump winning his second term as President. They gonna make sure he does… it’s rigged… it’s all rigged!

Ms. Transformation said...

Who's surprised??

Anonymous said...

Don't stop, Snitch. I wish you had posted how Stormy Daniels slaughtered Trump in court yesterday. She was furious, out of control, uninhibited and funny. She pulled a Trump on Trump.

Anonymous said...

Sounds about white

Anonymous said...

Did you see his pic with the hand over fist? Trump is begging for help but they're not coming. They're waiting to humiliate him and then he'll crumble. He looks horrible . . . bloated . . . saggy and with swollen, puffy eyes. He's a wreck and probably not sleeping well. Good!

Anonymous said...

If y’all don’t think elections have consequences, you’re a fool. This man picked the judges to get him off. If y’all think he care about what a ni ga think much more your “businesses you’re a fool. Trump played chess

Anonymous said...

Yt is still gonna support him. I hate Biden for many reasons but I will vote for him because my Black life would be hell under Trump. It does make a difference which party is in power. Don't give up your right to vote.

Anonymous said...

^^^Same here. Can't stand Biden but cannot go through another 4 years with Trump. The tweets, bullying, coercion... nope.

Biden's got my vote.


@12:30 You're absolutely right. They're gonna take the election. It's a dirty game

Anonymous said...

People supporting biden… lol.
Tell me that you don’t have at least 10K in savings without telling me. Ignorance is bliss! And I don’t even know what that means, but sounds about right.
Trump/Ramaswamy 2024!!! Go Red!!!

Anonymous said...

They don’t have to take the election! It’s gonna be a blow out landslide victory for Trump! You don’t like Trump & you don’t even know why politically… it’s all personal. biden sucks! Let’s be real. Tell me one thing or a few things or policies that you like of biden?
And before you answer that question, ask yourself what are the 3 branches of government without hitting google.
And if you can’t answer that then please don’t vote.

Anonymous said...

2:06 We could ask you the same thing. What's Trump's platform besides crying about the last election? Does he still want to dismantle public education? Give tax cuts to rich off the backs of the poor? Take away a woman's right to choose and pack the Supreme Court with ultra conservative christofascist judges. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

I just watched a Netflix documentary about 4Cha n, Anonymous, Q-Anon and now I'm convinced this fool really might have a chance to win again. Along with these far right racist idiots we now have their spawn who are now old enough to push an agenda, spread disinformation and vote. Smh.

JelliBelliRoll said...

White people whiting.

Anonymous said...

He certainly has a chance to win. He’s taken over the GOP. It’s no longer the party of Reagan. Established Republicans are scared of him. He has a chance.

Along with that white people are scared AF about brown people taking over. They’ve been so busy keeping us down that the Latinos, Asians and Arabs have grown in numbers and it’s too late to stop them now.

Trump is the great white hope that they’re banking on but it’s too little too late.

I’m still voting for Biden.

Anonymous said...

Look at the economy and the border to see that Trump is winning again. If not Trump, at least vote for RFK but Biden? Nah. You have to be crazy to do that again.

Anonymous said...

@8:43 well call me 🤪 crazy

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie going to jail. You trumpers need Jesus and an exorcist to rid you of that orange demon.🤣🤣🤣🤣✌️💯

Anonymous said...

Stormy is back on the stand today with questions from Trump's lawyers. They'll paint her as a liar and someone not to be trusted, but the damage is done. Too bad this isn't televised.

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