Wednesday, May 01, 2024

T.J. Holmes Accused of Stealing Cellphone

Back in January Amy Robach admitted she had no idea the level of scrutiny T.J. Holmes was under as a Black man in white female dominated media spaces, before they became a couple [click here if you missed that].  

This week Amy & T.J. share a story about the last time they took a flight and T.J. was accused of stealing someone's cellphone...

On Tuesday’s episode of the “Amy & T.J.” podcast, the former news anchor told listeners he and Amy Robach were minding their business on a JetBlue flight when a woman, who was sitting four rows in front of them, claimed to their flight attendant he took her phone.
“I was using the bathroom up front — right next to the cockpit — and I come out and there’s a flight attendant standing there with this little old lady,” the 46-year-old recalled, noting that the woman was “white with dirty blond hair.”
“She’s standing there and the flight attendant asks, ‘Did you see a phone in there?’ and I immediately turned around and said, ‘Oh, no. I didn’t see anything.'”
Despite Holmes’ denial, the passenger then “stepped towards” him and “gestured like she was about to frisk [him].”
“And says, ‘Oh, you don’t have it?’” he recalled. “In front of the plane, she flat out accuses me of taking her phone.”
“And she is a short lady so I actually crouched down, put my hands on my knees and got down on her level and I say, ‘Ma’am are you telling me I took your phone?’”
Although the woman tried to “ignore” Holmes, the flight attendant was “overly apologetic” about the situation.
Sure enough, the passenger found her phone “in her seat” and “turned” around to Holmes “mortified, screaming across the five rows, ‘I’m so sorry!'”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it at that point,” Robach, 51, said, which Holmes agreed with.
“I have to be calm,” he explained. “If there weren’t more people around then I wouldn’t have bent down and been as assertive as I was because I wouldn’t have a witness that I wasn’t aggressive towards her.”
Elsewhere in the episode, Holmes noted that Robach has “witnessed” how he gets treated as a “Black man going through some of the same scenarios in life but getting treated very differently.”
“Very differently,” Robach added.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Snore, yawn, snore. These two want attention so badly but no one is interested.

Anonymous said...

He's such a fool. A white producer convinced them to discuss how hard it is to fly while black. Well, if TJ wants to talk, then tell me this, bruh...

How many times were you passed over on a job or a story because you were a black journalist? Where and when? CNN? ABC? Someplace else? What did you feel and think? How did you handle it? What advice do you have for others?

How many times were you the first black hire? Were you able to bring anyone with you overtime? How long did it take? What black people helped you get there?

How often were you asked to bring your blackness to your reporting? By whom, when, and on what?

What's your proudest moment as a black man and what's your worst? You wanna talk about how hard it is to be black? Then tell us the real deal and you can back pocket that old white lady on an airplane.

Anonymous said...

@1:24 EXACTLY! I was wondering how long it would take these two attention Who-Rs to pivot to race but if that’s what they are going to do they need to tell the whole unvarnished truth including how many times Amy behaved the way that old woman did or how many times she advocated on behalf of a Black person who was being wronged.

Indi_flo said...

Maybe if we completely ignore them they will go away!

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