Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tina Knowles Details the Different Personalities of Her Daughters

In a new interview with Vogue magazine Tina Knowles recalls the distinct differences in personality of her daughters Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland and Solange when they were children...

In a video clip from her interview shared online Tina gets emotional as she recalls Beyoncé being bullied as a child, Kelly Rowland being a peacemaker, and Solange being an activist in the 5th grade.


Anonymous said...

One of these days you people will finally realize Bey is on the Autistic spectrum.

Anonymous said...

Tina still rockin then shoulder pad suit jackets. She sharp.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At this age she still plays with makeup, as most of you women do. Deception on sight. How can men win?

Anonymous said...

Tina on those tapes too please don't be fooled

Anonymous said...

Mathew gone

Anonymous said...

That niqqa after Mathew gone.

Anonymous said...

Go on Tina.

Anonymous said...

She did her thang with those girls. Her and Mathew.

Anonymous said...

All siblings are not the same.

Anonymous said...

Snitch got an A.i. bot 🤖 doing 10 comments in a row. What chu think we stupido?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:43 AM A.i. bot… Bey may be on the spectrum, but she’s still a savant.

R in NYC said...

Who asked her?

Shafrika Lights said...


LOLOL said...

She a celebrity. Let her brag about her daughters. Tina don't have nothing to do.
If some of you were doing your job as parents, we wouldn't have to talk about your kids killing each other and twerking for dollars.

Anonymous said...

@9:38 You're absolutely right. They're not mutually exclusive and in some ways, complimentary.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between her two former husband's? That sounds more interesting [and messy LOL].

mil262 said...

I find her to be as boring as watching paint drying on a wall.

Anonymous said...

Notice the order in which she lists them. Beyodel always firsrt. No denying her favorite.

Anonymous said...

Notice the order in which she lists them. Beyodel always firsrt. No denying her favorite.

Anonymous said...

^^^It really doesn't matter but you know it's edited, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kelly is her step daughter, not her daughter.

Anonymous said...

And the oldest always comes up first … bc she arrived 1st. You must not have siblings or kids to know that.

Anonymous said...

Tina should take up knitting or bingo. She needs something to do with all her free time.

Anonymous said...

^Shaddap Tina

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