Thursday, May 02, 2024

Tiffany Haddish CA & GA DUI Share Striking Similarity

Last year comedian Tiffany Haddish was arrested on Driving Under the Influence charges in Beverly Hills, CA after falling asleep behind the wheel of her car [click here if you missed that]. 

Interestingly enough, when Tiffany was arrested on DUI charges in Georgia the year before [click here if you missed that], the 911 caller also reported a motorist asleep in traffic...

The Georgia prosecutors who charged Tiffany Haddish for allegedly driving under the influence in 2022 are demanding a 911 call be entered into evidence in the case.
According to court documents obtained by, prosecutors asked the court to allow them to play the 911 recording of a concerned citizen to the jury at the upcoming trial.
“On January 14, 2022, a concerned citizen called 911 and reported that a motorist was asleep at the wheel at a traffic light. The caller observed the driver appeared to be asleep in the driver’s seat with their foot on the brakes,” the prosecutors said. “This vehicle turned out to be the vehicle Defendant was operating. The caller was giving information to the communications center while the police were being contacted.”
The prosecutors argued the call was admissible and it being played did not violate Haddish’s Sixth Amendment rights to confront witnesses.
As we previously reported, Haddish was arrested in January 2022. The Peachtree City Police Department received a call about a driver who had fallen asleep at the wheel.
Officers pulled over Haddish’s car. They claimed her vehicle matched the description of the car the caller reported.
According to police reports, officers said they smelled marijuana from Haddish’s car. The comedian was arrested for misdemeanor DUI, driving under the influence of multiple substances, and improper stopping on the roadway.
Haddish’s lawyer argued the charges should be dismissed. He said the officers did not have “reasonable articulable suspicion to detain Ms. Haddish.”
The comedian’s attorney said Haddish’s car did not match the car the concerned citizen called in to report. He said the car police were looking for was a white Chevrolet SUV with a possible Florida tag. He said Haddish was driving a white Ford Explorer.
He said the officers saw Haddish’s car and followed her for one minute before pulling her over. He said the entertainer did not report observing Haddish violate any traffic laws.
As a result, he argued the traffic stop was illegal and “any evidence derived therefrom must be suppressed.”
He said the officers followed Haddish for one minute before pulling her over.
Haddish’s lawyer demanded all “fruits” of the “unlawful seizure of [Haddish’s] person, Haddish’s blood test, and any statements Haddish is “alleged to have made on the grounds that they were the fruit of the unlawful search and seizure.”


LOLOL said...

TH take those lumps and bumps that comes with being a drunk. We all know you were intoxicated. There are receipts. Your just lucky you didn't kill someone.

Anonymous said...

Dang Tiff.

Anonymous said...

She has alcoholism. She needs rehab and court ordered AA meetings. But she's got enough money where she will attempt to get out of it to avoid accountability. She's not my favorite person but I hope she gets help

No Chiraq said...

Admit to being powerless to alcohol.
Go to rehab, attend AA Meetings, get a reliable Sponsor and support system.

Anonymous said...

Other than alcohol I wonder what other drugs is she on?

Anonymous said...

She look like an imoji

Anonymous said...

^^^^ LMBAO

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