Monday, May 20, 2024

Simone Biles Goes Off on Hubby's Critics

Last year Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history, and her husband, Chicago Bears safety Jonathan Owens, went viral after he claimed in an interview that he never heard of her before she asked him out and that he considered himself "the catch [click here if you missed that]."

Over the weekend Simone won the all-around title at the 2024 Core Hydration Classic causing fans to revisit Jonathan's comments and Simone is sick of it...

In a message shared on social media Simone told her fans to either stop disrespecting her husband and their relationship or puck off.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see Simone knows her place in the relationship… wouldn’t won’t her to get Cassied. Such a classy lady.

Gg57 said...

He is so fine. He got her sprunggggg.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you make the mistake of sharing your personal, romantic and married relationships on social media. You have to defend the relationship and it’s too much energy wasted on jealous, miserable beings. Sometimes you just have to DELETE THE APP.

Anonymous said...

Leave Simone alone.

Anonymous said...

Her HUSBAND made the statement, shouldn’t he as her man speak on it and tell people to chill? Whew chile, the red flags on that relationship.

Anonymous said...

@3:31. Exactly. Simone needs to stop and let him stand up for himself. She doesn't need him if he can't do that.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo , unmarried people telling a married woman what she should do or what is wrong with her marriage.

From my point of view , all the outside noise is fueled by jealousy , fear , envy and ignorance.

1. Jealousy/Envy - people always try to destroy what they don't have.
2. Fear - people are fearful that they have missed the boat on marriage , so to make themselves feel better they attack the institution of marriage.
3. Ignorance - people don't know what it really means/or takes to be in a "traditional " marriage. They personalize marriage to fit their wants and desires and when a marriage doesn't fit their definition , they attack the institution or the people in said marriage.

Anonymous said...

he married her for money hebdidnt know who she was is dead giveaway

Anonymous said...

Hmmm , so now he is a gold digger , a broke bum , a pookie , a ray ray , a nuc nuc .

Yeah right

But lets go with that narrative , he is all the worse things that yall say he is. The only person that would affect is Mrs Owens nee Biles.

The real question you have to ask yourself is .....why does it bother you personally.

Anonymous said...

No one curr

Anonymous said...

Is she bored? Why pay attention to random trolls online? You are the star, they are bored commenting on your life, ignore them or disable comments, if you don't want comments, keep your business offline simple.

Jcee said...

Ppl gotta stop with this someone jealous of a marriage or a relationship. why is anyone jealous of a marriage that most likely won’t last 7 years based on statistics. Truthfully, speaking most marriages last as long as the woman continues to put up with whatever she’s going through in her marriage some women will put up with a mess for seven years. Some will put up with for two years. Some will put up with mess for 20 years or more, but lets stop saying people are jealous whenever they have anything that they are critiquing about something that they see from the outside looking in because they are not the one that’s in love with friends and family members. Try to tell them about their boyfriend and what you’ll find people saying oh they just jealous of me whole time they’re being abused and put through the wringer. , but less stop saying people are jealous whenever they have anything that they are critiquing about something that they see from the outside looking in because they are not the one that’s in love with friends and family members. Try to tell them about their husband or boyfriend and what you’ll find people saying is old they just jealous of me whole time they’re being abused and put through the ringer Years ago, people used to say folks was jealous of Cassie and daddy‘s relationship when people was critiquing him and Carisha oh y’all just jealous of careasha and Diddy.

Jcee said...

Many married people have spoke out as well about the remark that her husband made, and it wasn’t coming from a place of jealousy. It was coming from seeing values who in that relationship he was amongst other men, and it was his opportunity to lift his woman up, but instead he chose to lift himself up and his ego, that is a observation that many people have made and it has nothing to do with being jealous .

Anonymous said...

Nice couple.

Anonymous said...

Stan for her man.

Anonymous said...

Simone, you're on the way to the Olympics and this is what you're worried about.

LOLOL said...

She knows her mental health should come first. SB break down should have taught her that. You have to leave messy Seeds alone.
Stay off social media if you can't handle the heat and keep your relationship private.

Anonymous said...

Again , I am paraphrasing , Simone essential said it didn't bother her , she is happy , he is happy , they are happy.

So , if this married couple is happy , why does it bother y'all sooooo much. When people - single or married - project what they think another couple's marriage should be is odd IMHO.

What is the motivation .......... their marriage does not affect them one bit ..... so why do they care.

Simone Owens nee Biles is happy in her marriage to Jonathan Owens.

"Let not man therefore put asunder that, which God hath coupled together. GW. So they are no longer two but one."

And since they are one , when he is attacked , she is attacked , so that is why she posted what she posted and she said what she said.

R in NYC said...

Simone is childish. Why entertain the trolls if you're so happy? Her man is typical young, dumb and full know the rest.😂😂😂

Jcee said...

12:37 listen SHE AND HER husband decided to go on a public platform and talk about their relationship, which means that they knew it was going to be open for public opinion at that point it’s not like people hunted down and looked up their marriage license and said oh Simone is married. Oh let us go start talking about her marriage. That’s not how that went. Her husband made a comment that rubbed a lot of people married and single the wrong way because it showed how he really truly feels about her. It was a red flag people who are not in love with this man like she is is able to see that. she claims to be happy but guess what Teauna Taylor said she was happy Too and her husband was the best father ever. . She said her and her husband were best friends come to find out he was putting the kids in Ubers unattended cheating all over the place talking to her bad. Ppl who sit up and try to protest about being happy all the time are usually the most miserable ones and then when they get divorced, they’ll come out and say how miserable they were. the people, can see what type of man she is married to now it’s not too late for him to change and it’s not to say that the marriage is doomed but if his true thought process is that he is a prize and that he didn’t gain anything by getting with her this tell you what his mentality is and how he looks at her in their relationship and if you or anyone else, including Simone, want to be delusional about what that means then so be it but people with common sense knows what his statement and the fact that he was willing to put her down in front of a group of men for his ego. It shows that he is immature as well, because even the men sitting there was trying to give him opportunity to big up his wife in that moment , that was the whole reason why the guy asked the question what did you do to get her? Even if he didn’t want to put her on a pedestal and being her up and say, man, I don’t know how I got such a wonderful, loving and caring, woman and talented woman he could have said we both worked to get each other the way he painted the picture this woman drove hours to see him and went out her way to get him. That’s all people are saying Personally I don’t care one way or the other but I always find when people comment on this situation. They want to call people bitter when it’s people pointing out their opinions and observations not necessarily that jealous are bitter. Hers a Bible verse for you a man who finds a wife finds a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Simone needs to stop feeding the unhappy, unmarried, miserable trolls and ignore them. She's feeding their ego at this point.

Anonymous said...

They have similar eyes

Anonymous said...

Black woman, please stop embarrassing yourself uplifting a man who is beneath you. This man has not one championship ring and she has countless medals. She is the bigger and better athlete. A man does not validate your existence. You are valid without him!

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