Monday, May 27, 2024

Simon Implies Porsha Stole His Watch?

Last week returning Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member, Porsha Williams, and her estranged second husband, Simon Goubadia, blasted each other online with Porsha implying Simon was deeply in debt with an expired green card while Simon likened Porsha to a pig with bad credit [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Simon is claiming one of his expensive watches has gone missing and was last seen in his master bedroom...

After a fan asked Simon the last place he saw the watch he claimed it was in the master bedroom of the home he and Porsha once shared.


Anonymous said...

Please give this woman a peach!!

Anonymous said...

This bum is her Karma!!!!! She was smug about her actions when collecting garbage from another woman’s trash can, now she can’t dispose of it!!!!!!🤦🏽‍♀️

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He can’t win.

Anonymous said...

I'm bout sick of his azz. A man being petty on this level is soooo unbecoming.

Anonymous said...

Bless his petty little heart, he is butt hurt annd doing the most! Unattractive personality and face! Dude. Looks like a raisin!

No Chiraq said...

Deport him

Anonymous said...

Don’t matter! Simon is the prize… what did Nissan Altima bring to the table besides clearance rack cooter?

Anonymous said...

@ 2:18 PM… deport all these illegals that massa joe got over here! Simon is a taxpayer & successful businessman.
He’s not a freeloading welfare monger.
The man didn’t accuse anybody, he simply wants his time piece back.

Anonymous said...

Say that again for the people in the back!

Jcee said...

This is giving scripted tv vibes gone wrong please remove us from the chat I don’t believe two 50 year old ppl are acting like this for free.

Anonymous said...

She wanted the man so bad. She was fine with all the luxury. Now she acts like she was never a gold digger. She saw money. She d@mn sure didn't see an attractive handsome man. She saw green now she's green with envy.

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