Friday, May 24, 2024

Simon Drags Porsha After She Spills His Tea?

Back in February returning Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member, Porsha Williams, pulled the plug on her 14-month marriage, to her second husband Nigerian businessman Simon Gouabadia, after two lavish intercontinental weddings [click here if you missed that]. 

Since then the break-up has become increasingly bitter and has now been reduced to tea spilling and name calling...

Porsha and Simon are currently in a tug-o-war over Simon's $7 million mansion, that he agreed to give Porsha in the event of a divorce, per the terms of their prenuptial agreement [click here if you missed that]. 

This week after The Shade Room reposted Simon's twist on rapper Future's infamous, "Are you gonna cry in this Phantom or that Nissan," quote in terms of his living situation [click here if you missed that], Porsha showed up in the comment section and slick implied Simon's green card may not be invalid and that he might be drowning debt.  

After Porsha's debt vs green card dig Simon posed another query that appeared to liken Porsha to a pig with bad credit. 

And then he doubled down. 


Anonymous said...

Dare I say, Porsha done met her match! Hopefully she learned her lesson that all that glitters is not gold!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She sure did meet her match! I’m on neither side. I still felt she was showing off and throwing her perceived wealth in women’s face as if they were envious of her 3 marriage ceremonies.

Jcee said...

Chyle he clearly knows nothing about wealth debt does not build wealth this is why all the bloc celebs die broke! You never hear real wealthy ppl say foolishness like this.

Anonymous said...

Simon is her Karma. She was doing the most with another woman’s husband and had no shame.

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