Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Sidney Star Tries to "Chingy" Darius McCrary

Twelve years ago trans reality TV star Sidney Starr apologized and admitted they lied about having a fling with rapper Chingy, effectively ending his rap career [click here if you missed that]. 

Now it looks like Sidney is trying to do the same thing to actor Darius McCrary...

Three years ago Darius called out Sidney for implying they had a thing going on after they did a photo shoot together [click here if you missed that]. 

Last night Sidney shared a video clip from that shoot on social media telling her followers to come watch her and "Eddie Winslow" on OF. 

Meanwhile here's Sidney announcing the photo spread two and a half years ago claiming they were making a powerful statement for the trans and hetero community. 



Anonymous said...

He already doesn’t have a career, right?

Anonymous said...

I don't condone violence, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who get beat up because they set out to destroy someone else's livelihood, based on lies. No one wants to publicly admit that most trans individuals have suffered 6ual trauma as children, which leads to mental illness/personality disorders. The alphabet Mafia has people scared to publicly call out how problematic this is. Because the second you call out this behavior they lable you "homophobic" which can impact your ability to feed yourself and your family. I'm so sick of this sh*t!

Anonymous said...

@2:30, Doesn't matter if Darius has a "career," he doesn't deserve to be lied on, just so a dude in a dress can make money off of him.

Anonymous said...

Run, Darius, run!

Anonymous said...

An associate I knew was fighting a case for his son who unalived a trans after it waited until afterwards to reveal who he is really was. Like the other person said these people ….. never mind. I have removed all feelings about these tragic mentally disturbed people. They come at biological women in disrespectful ways but feel they are the ones who need more protection. Make it make sense!

Anonymous said...

I recall a tragic incident with a famous actor.

Anonymous said...

I'm not down with this trans foolishness. Nothing but a demonic agenda being forced on the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with transgender people or even the transgender men who believe they're actually women. Live and let live. But I totally agree it's an agenda and a form of mental illness that goes unaddressed. What I have a problem with are trans people who lie or try to deceive others, the ones who are born male but act like they're better than women and those who invade the spaces of the gender they're not born as. It eats me up whenever I hear about a male turned female who participates in womens-only sports or uses the ladies restrooms. That pisses me off to no end because it's as if they're trying to overtake us women and have the best of both worlds with no consequences.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:04 PM & 4:27 PM #prettymuch

Anonymous said...

A lot of mental health professionals will say in private that this is a form of mental illness, but the second you say it out loud, they try to yank your license and ruin your career. So these folks with obvious problems are allowed to run amuck, because folks are afraid to call them out.

Anonymous said...

Darius is on tour doing stand-up comedy.

Anonymous said...

Darius is also a good performe

Anonymous said...

As a black man from my personal experience nothing good ever comes from befriending or associating with the LGTBQ. Eventually it will come back to bite you in the azz. ( no pun intended).

LOLOL said...

SS has a bad habit of trying to seduce and expose folks falsely to gain attention/money. One day she will get the wrong one. Two nutts with a chain.
But I'm not sure if Darius may down with it.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:35 PM… Eddie Winslow is that you?!
Was da Booch good?

Anonymous said...

Sidney real name Steve! No Urkel!

Anonymous said...

@6:35 You associate with LGBTQ people every single day of your life.

Anonymous said...

Did Eddie know he was all over a transformer? If he did, the photo shoot wasn't a bright idea.

Anonymous said...

No one can be this stupid. If you think he took pictures with a known transgender woman and did NOT fuck her, you're stupid! Look at that man's face. How he's bent over her. He fucked her.

Anonymous said...

Darrius is gay as a rainbow. Nothing hetero going on here did you see the video that boy is not acting

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