Sunday, May 12, 2024

Shaunie Says Viral Comment Was Taken Out of Context

Last week an excerpt from Shaunie Henderson's new memoir, "Undefeated," went viral where she admits she’s not sure if she ever really loved her ex husband Shaquille O’Neal, to which he responded, "I understand [click here if you missed that]." 

Shaunie says the quote was taken out of context…

Henderson exclusively tells PEOPLE she saw O'Neal's cryptic message and believes the excerpt was "taken out of context." She explains, "My book is my truth, and when I was talking to my friend yesterday, I was like, developing an opinion and a comment from content with no context will show you a lot of people's intelligence and unintelligence, right? There was no context to just that one quote that I said, and I think that sadly, people are taking my words out of context."
"I'm not a word girl. I'm a character girl, and since I've left the marriage of Shaquille, my character has spoken for itself," she continues.
Henderson says she "can't speak for" O'Neal — or "why he would run with" the out-of-context excerpt on social media — "but it's my book, my truth, and it's my legacy."
After O'Neal's response circulated on social media, Henderson says she spoke to a friend who experienced a similar uncertainty in a relationship. "It's funny, another girlfriend called me and was like, 'I know exactly what you were saying.' She goes, 'I didn't know that I wasn't in love with my first fiancé.' She never did get married, but she was like, 'My fiancé, you couldn't tell me I wasn't in love then.' "
Henderson shares that her friend revealed that "it wasn't until I got older and now I'm married to my husband that I know what being in love feels like," which is a feeling the Basketball Wives star completely understands.


Anonymous said...

She's speaking in circles and clearly finds it difficult to communicate effectively, which means she should probably shut up. She knew that would go viral because she needs to sell that book but now she wants to back peddle and say her words were taken out of context. Whatever!

Anonymous said...

Don’t try to walk it back now cause your book flopped. Shaq was a gentleman about it. Shaunie sounds nuts! She did the big fella a favor, now do us a favor & shut up!

No Chiraq said...

Gurl U smelled $$ and ran with it

Anonymous said...

Now she wants to back pedal and p pop. Note how many days she waited til she was sure it was not going well.

Anonymous said...

A "1st Lady" isn't supposed to speak "her" truth, because there is only one truth which is the absolute truth. Why do folks even say that? She revealed how she felt, now stand in it. You left your 1st husband for Shaq in order to get material gain and when he did to you what you did to your first husband, you didn't like it. Your third husband should've snapped his finger and hushed you like he did that woman who was crying out to God for help. Shaunie had to know that people would question her motive for marrying Shaq who atleast enriched her life despite his shortcomings.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of this is her friend (probably Evilyn Loosehoetho) gassing her stupid head up and agreeing with her. What can be taken out of context? Her words were very clear. And so what if she didn't think she was in love with him back then? If she's in love with her fruity man now that's what her gold-digging azz should focus on. Still a BIRD with a capital B.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with all of the above comments.

Anonymous said...

‘I conversed about this with my BFF and I’m sharing some highlighted points with you of that conversation.
I’m not good with words. Watch and know my exemplary character. I may or may have not been in love in multiple relationships. That’s my truth.
BTW, buy and read my book.’

LOLOL said...

I'm going to give these comments a snap and a pop. Dead on.
If she was still a teen and that was her first husband maaaaaybe I would give her grace but chile you had another whole marriage before Shaq. She wrote a book that no one wanted or cared about and she still seeing dollars signs.
We didn't have to know any of this. Take it to the pull-pit with some medicine oils and sit yo thirsty dollar self-down. Bloop

Rainy Dayz said...

I gotta go against the grain today
I completely understand what she meant
I thought I was once in love
When I met the right person and experienced what being in love really is I realized I didn’t love my ex like that
I think all of you above have never been in the situation to fully understand
This is based on this post
Idk what her original comment is or what shaq said

Anonymous said...

Idk what her original comment is or what shaq said ...

Then why are you commenting on what other people have never in and don't understand? You sound really (not) smart.

Anonymous said...

Ma’am please. We understood exactly what you meant and so did your ex. How else are we supposed to interpret that excerpt? Calling people dumb for correctly understanding what you wrote is peak delusion. Telling people you aren’t good with words after having written a book is comical.

Anonymous said...

She saw $$$$ and went with it. Yeah, she meant that ish.

Anonymous said...

@Rainy Dayz, I understood what she said, and I have been in that exact situation. But she should have known better when speaking on this publicly. Even if she provided "context," it still paints the situation in a negative light.

She needs to learn the difference between discretion and discernment. She's not a word girl, but at the end of the day, words matter and have weight. Her character flaws are showing with this stunt because that's truly what it is.

Rainy Dayz said...

@7:08 I commented for the same reason you did Sherlock
How daft can one be?
@7:49 I didn’t call anyone dumb dummy. I can’t help you projecting your inner feelings
@9:07 I totally agree she should have handled it better

Anonymous said...

It seems the first marriage was for what she thought was love, the second for financial stability and the third for status.

Anonymous said...

Rainy - 7:49 was not talking about you. Shaunie called ppl unintelligent not you.

Anonymous said...

Stop it, Shaunie. You wrote it, now stand by it. Shaq took it like man and owned up to his foolishness. You spoke your truth, now move on.

Anonymous said...

@7:38pm, you said it perfectly👏🏽👍🏽.

Anonymous said...

6:58 AM- Don't waste your time trying to explain anything intelligent to Hazy Daze.

Rainy Dayz said...

@10:52 girl bye

TheBarberLady said...

So her friend can co.ment with the necessary context, but not the other person in the marriage. Ok Shaunie.

The King Of The Real said...

You is a H0E

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