Monday, May 27, 2024

Secretly Filmed Diddy Party Participants Contacted by the FBI?

Back in March it was reported that Homeland Security agents confiscated surveillance video from Bad Boy Entertainment CEO Sean 'Diddy' Combs' estates in California and Miami [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders claim associates of Diddy, who may have been secretly recorded during his fabled industry parties, have been contacted by the FBI...

If Diddy thinks his public apology indirectly addressed to his former girlfriend Cassie is going to be enough to resolve his problems, he’s sorely mistaken. 
While the statute of limitations has expired on that case, here’s what we know: The FBI has been canvassing across the nation contacting people who might have been secretly filmed in compromising positions at one of Diddy’s parties. They’re leaving cards outside of residences when they can’t make contact, and have over 1000 people as potential victims!


LOLOL said...

The real celebrities or stars are easy to find. I'm sure some of those ppl are not known, just groupies. How do they know where to find them? This story smells fishy.

Anonymous said...

This is mere fodder. They don’t got nothing on Diddy.

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait for the footage to be leaked!
Just loaded up on snacks & lube! πŸ˜‰

Anonymous said...

A person does not have to be famous to be identifiable or identified.

Anonymous said...

There may be things going on with law enforcement in private that the public knows nothing about.

Anonymous said...

I would call the FBI and tell what I know.

Anonymous said...

one is in hiding or living in secrecy, one can easily be located. Anybody that attended his parties can anonymously or quietly contact law enforcement and work with them behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

^Unless one is in hiding...^

LOLOL said...

Identifying them and leaving notes at the door. Sorry not buying it.

Anonymous said...

12:46 'snacks & lube'. What an unexpected combo ; )

R in NYC said...

The feds are tying up all the loose ends. Diddy's days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

They can find them the same way they found the insurrectionists. Everyone who was filmed without their permission could potentially represent a criminal charge. Imagine if there are minors involved. Whew chile. Diddy is in for a rough couple of years.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they confiscated copies of signed NDA
In his house when they raided it
And sent out a general investigative warning
That they may be contacted in the future
I'm just guessing

Jcee said...

Some real celebrities and stars may not want to answer the door and talk to the FEDS let’s be real there’s prolly men on men and women on women and drug use in those videos I bet the real celebrities and stars are not answer b the door for that. Nobody has to make up anything in this man when his action and deeds that he has done is bad enough. Let’s stop it cuz the more yall claim somebody making stuff up the more videos come out and witnesses come come out to prove yall wrong. He guilty the end

Anonymous said...

If one won't tell another one will.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they’re trying to identify everybody in the videos they confiscated and see who can become the witnesses

Anonymous said...

Poor Puff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:35 PM. “Lube”. Really. You nasty.

Anonymous said...

I been to a Puffy party before. It was cool. I didn’t go into the back back back room though. I stayed in the yard area. Yeah the front yard in fact. It was cool.

Anonymous said...

I’m moving on

Anonymous said...

Puff Danish

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up Diddy.

Anonymous said...

He's ruined like cozbee & kellee.

Anonymous said...

And it don’t stop

Anonymous said...

Rumor is that BeyoncΓ© is a star on some freaky videos. There you go.

Anonymous said...

I think what this is are possible recordings of very powerful or atleast influential people like: athletes, entertainers, corporate CEO's, preachers, politicians etc;

Anonymous said...

Imagine your worst fears being confirmed and you get that call. Talking bout No, that was not me who you gon believe me or your lying eyes.

Shafrika Lights said...

Hes 's toast that's for sure. Who wouldn't want to put inder someone who secretly filmed you??

Shafrika Lights said...

Probably sold copies of the filmings to CEO'si

Anonymous said...

10 years ago this month he was presented with an honorary doctorate degree from Howard u and gave the commencement speech. Is the degree in jeopardy?

Anonymous said...

Is there any talk of the sex tapes and black mail?
Somebody on here got lube and snacks. What are you snacking? LoL

LOLOL said...

Over a thousand ppl. Ohh thawd that's a lot of F'king and S'king. Somebody got the Herp. LOL

Anonymous said...

Damn. Diddy is a voyeur too?

Anonymous said...

I know my boy’s girl on there tooting it up. That’s all she use to talk about how she was going to Puff’s parties. Now she about to be in the movies for real this time.

Anonymous said...

Smile. You’re on diddy tv.

Anonymous said...

Diddy problem is he thought Black people supported his Shenanigans,

Anonymous said...

I bet the head of the FBI is on the types too
Please don't forget this creature has VHS tapes even 8 tracks he bought 🀬🀒🐍
No different from the other island n the OTHER llist blah blah blah these evil doers know what they doing trying to hide the truth 🀬☠️πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΊπŸ€‘

Anonymous said...

More people will be exposed

R in NYC said...

Herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, yeast infections, dirty cooch, funky balls all on those tapes.🀣🀣🀣🀣

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