Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Second Source Confirms Floyd Mayweather Dubai Claims

Over the weekend boxer Gervonta Davis claimed that Floyd Mayweather was being held in Dubai until a an undisclosed debt has been paid [click here if you missed that]. 

Now International Boxing Hall of Fame elector, Rick Glaser, who has a notorious hate/hate relationship with Floyd Mayweather, confirms Floyd is being held in Dubai over a debt....

Because of Glaser's relationship with Floyd, many people believed he was trolling but he insists his sources are solid and that he is telling the truth.


Anonymous said...

Just kick a mufuka when he's down and out. No, I'm not here for Mayweather, but he's in a country that will chop off your head for making love to the wrong person, so you know what they'll do to you on over some coins.

I'm hopin' a nicca makes it home in one piece.

Anonymous said...

This is why you don't take pictures holding briefcases full of money. Somebody will swoop in and save him, but they'll own him then.

Anonymous said...

Well I think Floyd should ask Israel for help. He sent all that money and aide over there I'm sure they'll come running to help him.....

Anonymous said...

Bottom line.
Not his fight.

Anonymous said...

Miseducated on the world scene. This ain’t Vegas Floyd.

Anonymous said...

*shrug* they don’t play tho. When people owe money they’ll literally park their super cars in the desert, leave, and never come back.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea debt was like that over there but I don’t think the Middle East is a place any American should go and play around thinking it’s like America and you can just do what you want cause you’re “rich”… also like someone else said maybe the Israeli ppl he went to help can help him..

Anonymous said...

Fuk Rick Glaser. Racist @$$ blocked me on X

R in NYC said...

Word on the curb is that it's a gambling debt.

Anonymous said...

How do you make THAT MUCH money in life only to end up "in debt"??

Rainy Dayz said...

This is the same man that flaunted spending 5 million on Gucci
Stupid decisions appear to be his forte
I feel nothing for him

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