Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sean Kingston Used Justin Bieber to Pull TV Scam

This week rapper Sean Kingston was arrested on fraud charges for scamming an electronics store out of a $150,000 entertainment system [click here if you missed that]. 

According to reports Sean told the store owner he would get pop star Justin Bieber to film a commercial for him if he was allowed to leave the store without paying for the merchandise in full...

Rapper Sean Kingston was arrested on stage in California hours after his mother suffered a similar fate in Florida all because of the purchase of a 17 foot wide TV named Colossal, a lawyer familiar with the case says.
The Broward County Sheriff's Office said Kingston, 34, was arrested without incident on a Florida warrant in the area of Fort Irwin, an Army base in the desert about 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles.
The bizarre case is related to Kingston's buying of a 17 x 9 foot TV in September 2023. Lawyer Dennis Card, who has filed a lawsuit against the rapper in relation to the purchase of the $150,000 entertainment set was present at the arrest of Turner.
Card claims that Kingston acquired the TV on credit with a low down payment because he promised the seller, Ver Ver Entertainment, who sell the sets under the brand name Colossal TV, that Justin Bieber would do commercials for them.
'[Justin Bieber] is 100 percent not involved in this,' Card said. 'He had the misfortune of doing some work in the past with Sean, and Sean drops his name like crazy.'


Anonymous said...

The fact that any business or business owner would believe that Sean Kingston would actually not steal from them is laughable at this point.

R in NYC said...

Unfortunately a lot of kneegrows used Bieber in all kinds of filthy ways.... allegedly.

Anonymous said...

How much does that used TV cost?

Anonymous said...

Their excuse is stupider than just trusting this known scammer. You have to be on purpose dumb to think one adult can commit another adult to anything much less a “celebrity”. On another note why does anyone need anything that large in a SFR? Plus I know it keeps the space it is in hot as Hades. Fs for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

I said in the other post on SK that his celeb friends don't rock with him anymore and this is why. I bet he doesn't even have Justin's current number. This is why celebs are so nervous about who they call friends. This is ridiculous.

LOLOL said...

Why would the store owner believe Hamburger Boy knew JB in the first place? If there is no contract there is no work to be done. Store owner had star dust in his eyes to believe that lie. Simp

Anonymous said...

Smh not sure how he thinks he was going to get away with this especially with the stolen goods sitting right there in his house. I just don’t understand the logic.

Anonymous said...

That TV don’t even fit in that room. That’s for a proper small theater not a gdmn living room.

Anonymous said...

Finally catching up to him. He had a good/long run though.

Anonymous said...

Scammer extraordinare

Anonymous said...

Got his mom sitting up in jail

Anonymous said...

Got his mom sitting up in jail

Anonymous said...

He don't got his mom sitting nowhere. She's there because she's just as criminal and stupid as he is.

Anonymous said...

Scamming don’t pay.

R in NYC said...

Yup he gets it from his mama.

Anonymous said...

A simple Google search or credit check could’ve avoided this heist in plain sight.

And when has anyone known Justin Bieber to endorse any product, much less doing commercials for it??

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