Monday, May 27, 2024

Sean Kingston Held Without Bond - Mother's Previous Fraud History Revealed

Last week rapper Sean Kingston and his mother, Janice Turner, were taken into custody after Kingston's rented Miami mansion was raided by local sheriffs after he scammed an electronics store out of a high end entertainment system [click here if you missed that]

While Sean Kingston is being held without bond in California awaiting extradition, his mother's previous fraud history was revealed in court, resulting in an exorbitant $160,000.00 bond...

The mother of Kisean Anderson, known in the music world as Sean Kingston, appeared before a judge on Friday.
During Turner's bond court hearing, the judge read off the eight fraud and theft charges against her.
In arguing for a high bond amount, the prosecutor brought up her previous record.
"This is not Ms. Turner's first time with this type of conduct. She has a 2005 federal conviction for bank fraud where she was sentenced to 16 months in federal prison," attorney Eric Linder told the judge.
Turner's attorney argued for a more lenient bond.
"There are no violent priors, this case is not violent in nature, she doesn't pose a threat to the community," said Sam Stark.
In the end, the judge kept the bond at $160,000. Her attorney will have to prove the money for the bond is from a legitimate source, not something illegal.
Kingston, on the other hand, is being held without bond in San Bernardino, California — waiting to be sent back to Florida.
"We wanted to bring them back as soon as possible so he could self surrender but they grabbed them before we could do that," Rosenblatt said. "And he's going to waive extradition."
"You would think Osama bin Laden was there with all the for use of force that they use their long guns and SWAT teams and masks and everything else like. you know it was, it was crazy! Certainly overreacted," he added.
Kingston, who was renting the mansion, is accused of not completing payments to VER VER Entertainment on a $150,000 entertainment system that included a 232-inch television. According to the complaint, Kingston persuaded the company to accept a lower down payment and credit towards the purchase by saying he would produce promotional videos for the company with Justin Bieber.


Anonymous said...

You just know the first business of order for moms is getting her wig put back on

LOLOL said...

Well you can say he got it honest.

Anonymous said...

Just because you aren't a violent offender, doesn't mean you aren't a menace to society.

Anonymous said...

Bald headed a** mammy! ðŸ‘ĻðŸū‍ðŸĶēðŸ‘ģðŸū

Anonymous said...

Talkin to you h*** who ain't got no hair
Your sister bald Zanny
Your mamma bald Eddie
I bet you even got a bald headed azz granny
Bald Head H***
Whatcha see D, w-w-w-whatcha see D
I see some bald headed h***
Bald Head H***
Whatcha see D, w-w-w-whatcha see D
I see some bald headed h***

Willie D - 1990

Anonymous said...

Looking Like MYRA 🙌ðŸŋ

THAT Time Gina Gave Her A Perm W NO NEUTRALIZER 💅ðŸŋ

Anonymous said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

Traumatized is being embarrassed by your grandma coming to pick you up from school without her wig on. RIP Granny but you didn't have to do me like that. I had to hear about all through 5th grade.

Anonymous said...

Renting a mansion while scamming is really ghetto.

No Chiraq said...

Generational scammers

Anonymous said...

Repeat offenders.

Anonymous said...

Willie D is thankfully mature now so he doesn’t talk like that about other women.
Now we know how you feel about cancer patients. Smh!

Shafrika Lights said...

I smell bs. Company sounds upset they gave away a soundsystem for promo deal. Why didn't they just ask for
it back?

Anonymous said...

1:58 PM, Did you really have to share that? LOL

Anonymous said...

@1:58. Be grateful you had a granny who cared enough to come get you from school instead of being stuck on her lack of hair.

Anonymous said...

His mama look like a rough customer.

Anonymous said...

was thinking she could send her back to Jamaica after she had her 1st charge.

Anonymous said...

I was sleepy on my previous post.😁 I was wondering if they could send her and him back to Jamaica. Her especially after her 1st conviction they could have sent her back.

R in NYC said...

We letting all these criminals into our country for what?

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