Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sean Kingston and His Mother Accused of Running Organized Fraud Ring

Last week singer Sean Kingston and his mother, Janice Turner, were arrested on fraud charges after they were accused of scamming a high end electronics store [click here if you missed that]. 

Apparently that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Rapper and singer Sean Kingston and his mother committed more than a million dollars in fraud in recent months, stealing money, jewelry, a Cadillac Escalade and furniture, documents released Friday allege.
Kingston, 34, and his 61-year-old mother, Janice Turner, have been charged with conducting an organized scheme to defraud, grand theft, identity theft and related crimes, according to arrest warrants released by the Broward County Sheriff's Office.
Specific details of Kingston's and Turner's alleged crimes are not included in the warrants, but the documents say that from October to March they stole almost $500,000 in jewelry, more than $200,000 from Bank of America, $160,000 from the Escalade dealer, more than $100,000 from First Republic Bank, $86,000 from the maker of customized beds and other smaller amounts.


Anonymous said...

I can believe that like i said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree that cat hasn't had a hit in years but he owed jeweler's all over town and in different towns I'm not surprised not really

Anonymous said...

Scammers. Going to jail cause whatever money they have they scammed it from someone. No high power attorney for them, public defenders who could care less about them!

Anonymous said...

These two know how to live.

If that’s how you living.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In my Sean Paul voice *Deport Dem*

Anonymous said...

First order of business was getting that fitted put back on her head. Temporarily. Those two thieves.

Anonymous said...

Where/who is his father?

Jcee said...

7:18 this dude is American 🤣 I saw a story about him on YouTube this particular channel did a full break down on how he lied about his grandfather and everything his real name of course is not Sean Kingston I have to go back and watch it but I think they said he not even from Jamaica

Gg57 said...

Next on American Greed

Anonymous said...

Who would pay to see him?

Anonymous said...

I can see it. Both of em seem sketchy af.

Anonymous said...

@8:19PM 😂 EXACTLY! Mommy dearest raised a winner didn’t she 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️?!?!!?? Morally bankrupt with bad business ethics. I guess they are doing whatever they have to in order to make those rent payments on that Florida Estate.

Anonymous said...

People need to stay off social media if it is driving you to scam, in order to appear like you have material things like others.

Anonymous said...

On his Instagram page he looks like he was living the life. His mom has some Jamaican sauce out. Mama Kingston. His mom is Jamaican I wonder if they can/will deport her. She should have asked Simon the proper way to scam.

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