Thursday, May 02, 2024

Ryan Garcia Blames Diddy for Failed Drug Test

This week it was revealed that boxer Ryan Garcia failed tests for performance enhancing drugs ahead of his shock win against Devin Haney [click here if you missed that].

Devin speaks out while Ryan blames Diddy...


Anonymous said...

Like I said on the other post, this explains a lot. Shucking and jiving for Dementia Don put him in an additional spotlight that he was stupid to put himself in. These entertainers need to keep their political beliefs to themselves because they suffer in the end. Dixie Chicks never came back, Antionio Sabato and Dean Cain both cancelled and never came back, Antiono working construction now to survive. The Rock looking real stupid right now, and Ryan looking dumb as a bag of rocks. That's why polls are private, keep your opinions to yourself. 💯🤡

Anonymous said...

I guess Im kind of slow cus what do Diddy got to
do with anything in the world of boxing?
And this is the 2nd time this week
Gervonta Davis got
His name all in the mix of things

@2:44pm, I agree
But its a shame celebs are allowed to share
Their public political beliefs if they are Dems
But if a celeb support Dump, they get
Most times I cant stand Dump
But people should be able to support
Whoever they want politically
Publicly or privately

Anonymous said...

Vote for Trump everybody!

Vernell said...

Oh Well, He Cam Still Live Good Off The 12Million$ That He Won From The Fight...

R in NYC said...

Oh well..

LOLOL said...

You can't blame DoDo Diddy for everything. Did Diddy open your mouth and make you swallow (I mean the drugs hehehe wink wink)?

Anonymous said...

i ain't into brute sports. but i find it awful funny how many trumplethinskin supporters seem to conflate following him w/persecution. this person more than likely pissed dirty for a long time b/f now. he's just managed to rub the right person the wrong way and he's being exposed for it.

his response just gives megalomanic w/a persecution complex.

plenty of celebrities have publicly supported other rethuglican candidates w/out nearly much backlash. ESPECIALLY if they appeal to white nationalist "christians."

sweet potato saddam is a polarizing figure b/c he is deplorable. the guy is neither intelligent or as charismatic as an obama, nor is he dumb in a way that's endearing like gdubya. he's as deceptive and war mongering as dick chaney w/out the savvy or political knowhow to let someone else take the fall for his failings.

orange foolius could not possibly be more underqualified to be president. and has the audacity to be openly racist and misogynistic on top of it all.

he's a walking, talking embodiment of dunning-kruger. and so are many of the people who openly & loudly support him. they deserve every lashing they get.

Anonymous said...

Daggonit, so much hate in your heart
May God Bless you
At the end of the day only Friend we
Truly have is God
NO politician is NOBODYS friend
RIP Aaron Russo (Google . I think that's his name)

Sunno said...

This man is either a troll or suffering from too many head punches. Just a few weeks ago he was kidnapped or feining his kidnap and possible d3ath, then at the weigh in he holler he identifies as a woman and was gonna sue Haney. he needs help oh and lets not forget his illuminati-ish rant prior to all of this.

Anonymous said...

He’s a doper, plain and simple. He will always wear an asterisk now. There will be a rematch and Devin gonna wear him out, then lay him out flat.

PS: Devonte has been running his mouth about everybody’s business but his own. Wish he’d just be quiet.

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