Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Russell Simmons Denies Fleeing to Bali

Six years ago Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons moved to Bali after more than a dozen women accused him of 6ual misconduct [click here if you missed that]. 

Russell insists his move has nothing to do with the allegations...

Russell Simmons insists he’s free to roam the United States without concern. The Hip-Hop mogul said he didn’t leave America to avoid legal trouble in response to AllHipHop’s reporting on a court filing regarding his decision to live in Bali.
“People saying that I somehow can’t come home when I’m there all the time wears on you,” Simmons told AllHipHop’s Chuck Creekmur. “It wears on me after a while to keep hearing the same narrative, which is false. I’m always in L.A., I’m always in New York and Miami. And I’ve never had any reason to feel unsafe in America.”
“I am not physically present in New York and I do not have an intention to live in New York in the future,” Simmons said in a declaration filed on Wednesday (May 22). “I own no property in the United States. I have been living in Bali since 2018, which is where I intend to remain. For at least nine years before I moved to Bali, I lived in California. As a California resident, I paid California resident taxes in the years immediately prior to moving to Bali. Currently, I pay California non-resident state taxes.”


LOLOL said...

Of course he would say that. Do you expect him to agree?


Put that BBQ down and attend to your Blog. This is not a good look for you. LOl

Anonymous said...

This nicca. He lives an a fantasy world and wants us to join him.

Anonymous said...

He looks raggoin that pic, even for his age.

R in NYC said...

Lies! Dat kneegrow knows he's hiding out. How dumb does he think we are? I can't stand a smug abuser who thinks he got over.

Anonymous said...

If I traveled in secret and used private transportation and made no public appearances, how easy would it be to locate me?

Jcee said...

This is why I said we should stop speaking on things that we don’t know of legally. I don’t like Russ BUT he has been photographed at recent well known events in the US especially in Cali. Russ is not off limits if they want him they will get him in Bali he was served legal papers in Bali recently for a civil suit!! If they extradited a white man from a place that does not extradite best believe if they wanted Russ Bali ain’t gone stop them. In other words Russ can run but he can’t hide. He in Bali stretching his dollar cuz in the US he is broke allegedly. But in Bali he is rich

No Chiraq said...

When you need travel vaccines for your new home, you're fleeing.

Anonymous said...

Ain't that much yoga in the world.

Anonymous said...

He should've owned a home in Texas and paid ZERO state tax as opposed to paying Cali state taxes in addition to federal taxes, but he was in a rush to get out. Lol. I remember the scandal with his Rush pre-paid card company collecting peoples paychecks and not paying out. I remember the Rush card and all of the people who were complaining about missing money. So he had issues even before the SA allegations hit. He was smart to leave because he saw what happened to Cosby and Kelly, and noone can extradite him in Bali. So if things get hot he is already established there. He can say what he wants but he did flee in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

If he's always in the U.S., then why is he always recording in Bali? If he's here, then he sneaks in and sneaks out. Stop playing with people because we are not stupid.

Anonymous said...

If he takes pictures of various people and places that he (supposedly) visits and makes them public, he might show a pattern and become easy to trace or expose his whereabouts. Perhaps he's covering his tracks. He's been served with legal documents before, so he can't be too difficult to locate.

LOLOL said...

If he lives and eats so healthy, why does he still have a gutt?

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