Friday, May 03, 2024

Russell Simmons Accused of Faking Settlement

Last month Russell Simmons was served with a second lawsuit at his private resort in Bali by a Jane Doe accuser claiming she was 6ually assaulted by the Def Jam co-founder back in 1997 [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Russell is accused of submitting documents claiming the issue was settled 30 years ago, when meta data shows the document submitted was created in March 2024...

Russell Simmons is being accused of forging a woman’s signature on a document that supposedly dates back nearly 30 years. A lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe,” a former Def Jam Recordings employee who claims to be another one of Simmons’ 6ual assault victims, suggests the Def Jam co-founder falsified a document.
Court docs explain Ms. Doe felt appalled when Simmons, without remorse, failed to acknowledge the gravity of his alleged assault on her. Only after learning of potential legal action in November 2023 as part of the Adult Survivors Act did he express a vague apology through a friend. Later, during legal proceedings, it emerged that a document purportedly settling their dispute existed. However, this document raised several red flags: inconsistencies in dates, handwriting and company letterhead.
“The document is an Adobe pdf file titled ‘Agreement – Jane Doe v. Russell Simmons,’ although the words ‘[Doe] – Executed Document.pdf’ also appear in the body of the file at the top of each page,” the docs state. “The metadata for the file states ‘Created: March 24, 2024.’ The document is dated ‘January 9, 1997’ at the top of each page, but states ‘[Jane Doe] 1-6-97′ at the bottom of each page.”
Ms. Doe denies ever signing it and contests its authenticity. Even if genuine, the document’s scope doesn’t cover her rape claim against Simmons, focusing instead on her departure from Def Jam and minor financial matters. Simmons’ behavior post-dating the alleged agreement, including confrontational actions, undermines its validity. Thus, even if the document were authentic—which Doe’s attorneys insist isn’t—it wouldn’t release Doe’s claims of rape against Simmons.
Doe is requesting “general, punitive and economic damages for loss of employment, loss of business opportunities, loss of wages.” She also wants Simmons and to compensate her “for injuries suffered as a result of the unlawful conduct alleged herein.”


Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

He is another one that the law has been pu$$y footing around with $exual assault charges for decades. It's time to get his butt back to the USA for these lawsuits. Little Winky man.

R in NYC said...

His time is up. This degenerate has dodged several bullets. His protection is over.

No Chiraq said...


No Chiraq said...


Jcee said...

10:46 and I feel the reason the law been doing that is because soon as they try and go after a blk man they get accused of trying to bring a good man down and going after him because he is successful! They are really being hands off with the criminals in our community at our REQUEST and demands so we have to suffer with our criminals running around committing crimes cuz soon as they lock them up we gone claim they lying and setting them up and trying to bring them down and make t shorts and posts saying free him! They did with rkelly, boosie, young thug, mike Tyson, puffy, Tupac, random pookies and rays rays and so called good guys and the list goes on.

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